On Monday, the Modi cabinet raised the heat amidst the winter session of parliament underway by clearing 10% reservation for the economically weaker upper castes. The cabinet decided to amend the Constitution so that the “economically backward” upper castes will get 10% reservation in direct recruitment in government services and admission to higher educational institutions. Lok Sabha, on its last day of winter session, passed this Reservation Bill with a 2/3rd majority. The upper house of the parliament, Rajya Sabha is debating the reservation bill today. The proposed reservation will be over and above the existing 50 per cent reservation enjoyed by the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes, taking the total reservation to 60 per cent. The upper caste Hindus are its core vote banks. Thus, this move was being seen as Brahmin-baniya vote bank motivated. In this show today, we are trying to decode the possible outcome PM Modi is expecting after this move. But we will also look into the past examples and what lesson they establish.