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Dr. Umar Johnson was just recently on The Daily Wrap Up Crew and gave an interview that pissed off just about every hard working black man in the country. Since Dr. Umar Johnson wants to open his mouth and blame black men who have nothing to do with the current situation. I want you to look at the paperwork and you tell me : Should we believe a man who has time and time again avoided funding questions? Should he be a voice in the community since he has done nothing but lie?
Where I'm from you gotta BE, KNOW, and DO in order to be in a leadership position. Dr. Umar Johnson posits himself as a leader in the black community but has failed to be accountable for what he said he was gonna do. Dr. Umar Johnson has demonstrated traits associated with being a con-artist IMO. In order to keep the con going he must appear and recruit fresh crops of single mothers and impoverished black folks to continue to donate to his cause.
In this Video I'm just scratching the surface. Hopefully you can build on what I've found. If you find this topic helpful please like, share and subscribe.
@MessyMichonLive @mediumman @KingKongConsciousness @tariqnasheedeconomics6190 @MrTariqNasheed