From a struggling high school student to running the largest Apps & Games company in Australia.
From $20,000 in credit card debt to being worth millions by 32.
From being just another kid getting bullied in High School to being featured by the Herald Sun,, The Courier Mail and more.
Gerry Sakkas is a guest I've wanted on the No Limits podcast since I started it. He probably doesn't know that, but I've always been paying attention. In the Melbourne scene, when it comes to young entrepreneurs making "big moves" - he is by far on the list of the biggest.
Last week, I sat down with Gerry, the owner of Playside Studios and deep-dived into what made the man who he is today. He promised me no limits on what we could speak about and stayed true to his word.
For 2 hours, 2 minutes and 7 seconds, we covered everything. From Gerry's childhood, getting physically beaten up and bullied in high school, his parents divorcing, failing classes, his transition to University, working his way up at EA as a developer, starting Playside Studios, raising the capital he needed, the startup journey in detail and how Playside went from a small team of developers to working with the biggest companies in the world...we're talking Warner Bros, Disney and Nickelodeon just to name a few.
The No Limits Podcast is not just an interview - it's the place were the not-so-commonly-spoken-about-topics are discussed in length. Gerry shared things he hasn't ever shared publically before - like how much he had in his bank account during the startup of his company, being in credit card debt, what the physical bullying did to him mentally growing up and how he feels about people judging him for his success.
I even had the chance to ask about the whole "What Is Shade" project that did not go as planned. He told me in detail what the idea was, what went wrong and ultimately what he learnt from the experience.
Hope you all enjoy this episode!