The Illuminati, Freemasons, Global Elitists.... We've all heard of them, but what if we told you they're all controlled by one group? In 1999, David Icke decided to come out and say that Reptilian Humanoids controlled the free world. Kinda trippy right? Human in public, but behind closed doors they're nothing but a lizard or snake that walks on all fours or slithers on the ground? WTF!!! Icke was pretty much casted out of his community, rightfully so in our opinion. We've all heard of celebrities (The Obamas, Clintons, Justin Bieber) being shape shifters, but could this really be true? Apparently, a lot of these elite are somehow down the line related, and that's how they remain in power. CRAZY! Join us today, hear some evidence, and decide for yourself. Is it just Global Elitists that have all the power, or is it a bunch of scaly humans pulling the strings?