In twenty minutes and 19 seconds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mathew compliments BET and MTV with insults also in 21 mins and forty seconds I insult multiple religions so you can flag me also I'm bad at Video games.
Lil Ray2x YT:
System 32 Comics]
Hey guys hope you enjoyed the video here is the links to my social media and disclaimers
Playstation 5 vs The Xbox Scarlet)
PiS5 vs Xbox 720 ---------------------------------------0:53
Our opinion ----------------------------------------------3:45
Xbox name rant -----------------------------------------5:21
Game stop redesign)
Loiterstop-------------------------------------------------9:31My soul selling-------------------------------------------------16:38
Sonic Redesign)
Blue M Nuts over sanic(XD RAWR)-----------------16:46
Logical Opinions ---------------------------------------18:04
BET is a fanee mEMe too-----------------------------20:44
Agresive child backstory)
The comment -------------------------------------------21:54
Story time: Gimme my fucking jecket m8 -------22:18
Her shitty side of the story --------------------------23:48
YouTube kids/COPPA)
The Run down ------------------------------------------28:00
Why Youtubers should be mad about it ---------28:45
How it could potentially get political -------------31:23
What happens wehn you mark it ------------------32:58
COPPAside effects on Youtube ----------------------34:15
AD Revenue Tampering -------------------------------36:30
Youtube is over powered -----------------------------39:16
Americas role in this ----------------------------------41:59
Music Recomendations -----------------------------45:06
Weptooms ----------------------------------------------45:29Twitter]