19 Nocturne Boulevard

19 Nocturne Boulevard - DRAWER 23 - Reissue

11.20.2021 - By Julie HoversonPlay

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Tim might expect to see corpses, working graveyard in the morgue, but never expected one that could talk...   Cast List Timothy Grant - Jasper Loovis Bedelia Crane - Emmatrice Devan Gordy - George Dunn Darcy - Megan Lane Halston - Gene Thorkildsen Sophia - Julie Hoverson Mr. Summerfield - Bryan Hendrickson Male Body - Reynaud LeBoeuf Security Guard - Sky Iolta Music:  Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com) Recorded with the assistance of Ryan Hirst of Neohoodoo Studio Editing and Sound:   Julie Hoverson Cover Design:  Brett Coulstock "What kind of a place is it? Why it's a morgue - can't you tell?"   ********************************************************* DRAWER 23 Cast: Olivia, host Timothy Grant (M20s), temp. night shift at morgue Sophia (F30s), who Tim is replacing Gordy (M20s), the go-to guy Darcy (F20s), med student Halston (M40s), swing shift attendant Bedelia Crane (F40-ish), ghost, southern belle from the 1920s MALE BODY - Bedelia, but with a man's voice Summerfield (M50s), tough boss Security guard (any) OLIVIA     Did you have any trouble finding it?  What do you mean, what kind of a place is it?  Why, it's a morgue, can't you tell? MUSIC   SCENE 1.    MORGUE, NIGHT SOUND    WHOOSH OF HYDRAULIC DOORS OPENING SOPHIA    And THIS-- TIM    --Got it.  I watch CSI. SOPHIA    On this shift, you won't usually have to deal with the - well, everyday ins and outs, but there are times when somebody has to get in here right away, so you need to know the check-in procedures. TIM    Oh, sure.  SOPHIA    Is this your first time dealing with cadavers? TIM    Mm, yeah, but I-- SOPHIA    Try not to faint when you smell them.  The cold helps, but I have some mentholatum if you need it-- TIM    Oh, yeah, I saw Silence of the Lambs. SOPHIA    [sigh, then muttered]  And you plan to be a doctor...? TIM    Hmm? SOPHIA    If you, or anyone else, does faint, and sustains any appreciable injury, you must fill out a form 5-C-H dash 2-1-7 dash 62. TIM    There's a form for it? SOPHIA    There's insurance for it.  Did you ever see Quincy? TIM    Quincy Jones? SOPHIA    [Sigh] A television show.  In the opening credits - never mind.  SOUND    DOOR OPENS SOPHIA    There are 30 drawers.  You always fill the top row first, followed by the next down, and the floor level ones last of all. TIM    30?  I never thought that Cumberland Pass would-- SOPHIA    We really don't.  I've only seen all the drawers filled once - after that really bad fire.  Well, all the drawers but one. TIM    [waits, then] One? SOPHIA    [sighs, somewhat embarrassed]  This one.  Twenty-three.  It's... tsk... It's supposed to be haunted. TIM    I guess it's the right place for a-- SOPHIA    I don't really believe it, but everybody else does.  No one will put a body in that drawer.  And me, I figure - why take a chance? TIM    I-- I'm not getting it.  So there's a ghost and you don't want to put a body in the drawer why...?  Because it'll get scared? SOPHIA    For 12 years, I have not seen anything to be scared of.  I haven't heard anything but stories.  TIM    [eager] Tell me! SOPHIA    Timothy, most people find working third shift hard enough without having ghost stories to freak out over.  Just do the three months and when I get back, I promise you I will tell you everything I know. TIM    What if you decide not to come back? SOPHIA    Oh, please!  Once this munchkin arrives, I'll be desperate to get back to my wonderful peaceful nights here.  Dale swears up and down she's ready to lose sleep for the both of us. TIM    Kids take a lot of time. SOPHIA    [teasing] Don't get your hopes up - they take a lot of cash too, and I'm not about to give up my health benefits. MUSIC   SCENE 2.    CAFETERIA GORDY    [coming on]  Hey pal!  I heard you got graveyard shift in the land of the dead! TIM    Yeah, Sophia's been showing me the ropes.  Seems easy.  Clean this, lock that, don't take pictures of dead celebrities, make sure no one gets in without proper authorization. GORDY    Did she tell you about the ghosts? TIM    More than one?  I mean, she mentioned [snickers] a haunted drawer in the cool room, but-- GORDY    Hmm.  Never heard THAT one, but there are supposed to be a bunch of-- DARCY    [coming on]  This seat taken?  [sits without waiting]  Hey, Tim!  [less enthused] Gordy. GORDY    The lovely Lady Darcy.  TIM    Hey Darce.  GORDY    Deigning to sit among the common folk?  What will the world come to? TIM    Gordy was just telling me-- GORDY    Warning you.  About the ghosts.  In the morgue. DARCY    That's ridiculous.  GORDY    Huh?  And I suppose you know everything about-- DARCY    I don't know anything about the morgue, but I do have a smattering of supernatural lore‑‑ GORDY    I suppose someone's got to watch Ghosthunters. DARCY    AND it is absolutely accepted common belief that a ghost haunts the place it DIED, not the place its body went later.  TIM    Maybe someone ... died in the morgue. [shudder] GORDY    "Accepted common belief"?  That's about as nebulous as "according to statistics." DARCY    The O.R., now.  Or the Burn Ward.  That's where you'd find ghosts. MUSIC   SCENE 3.    MORGUE, NIGHT SOUND    HYDRAULIC DOOR OPENS TIM    Hello?  Hello?  Hello? HALSTON    [off]  Just a moment! SOUND    HYDRAULIC DOOR CLOSES SOUND    PAPERS RUSTLE TIM    [muttering to self]  Checklist, check.  Clipboard - no scheduled arrivals, check. HALSTON    [coming on]  Yeah?  TIM    I'm Timothy Grant-- HALSTON    Oh, yeah.  Soph's gone off to spawn? TIM    She went into labor this morning, so I get to start early-- HALSTON    Don't worry.  Piece of cake job.  Could be done by a monkey, only monkeys won't work for this pay. TIM    [chuckles]  Seems fine to me. HALSTON    Yeah, well, you don't have the monkeys' union.  You need anything before I take off?  Any last questions? TIM    I don't think so - Sophia left me a pretty comprehensive set of notes. HALSTON    Not surprising - she's so damn organized, that kid won't stand a chance.  Well, don't you go slacking off and make her clean up your messes when she gets back.  It'll be bad enough when all the construction starts, [shrugs] but she's always happiest telling people what to do. SOUND    FOOTSTEPS START TO LEAVE, DOOR OPENS TIM    Oh, I did-- HALSTON    [pause] What? TIM    Oh, [embarrassed] someone was telling me about a... well, a ghost.  In one of the body drawers. HALSTON    And? TIM    What do you think?  I'm dying of curiosity.  HALSTON    You ain't the ghoulish type, are you Tim? TIM    I - I don't think so. HALSTON    [thinks, then sighs]  The guy who used to do nights, before Sophia took over, swore that there was ghost in drawer 23.  He said the guy before him told him about it, but that no one really knew any details, like who or what it was, just that-- TIM    Yes? HALSTON    Shit.  This is just one of those "you can't win" things.  No matter what I say now, chances are you're gonna do something stupid. TIM    Maybe not.  I mean, I'll try-- HALSTON    Just don't blame me.  So Fred - the guy who told me this - Fred said that one night he DID put a body into 23.  And nothing happened. TIM    [deflated]  Oh. HALSTON    Until midnight.  Then the corpse woke up and screamed.  It screamed and scratched at the drawer for just about an hour-- TIM    The witching hour-- HALSTON    Whatever - around one, it just shut off like a light.  TIM    Maybe the poor stiff was still alive!  Why didn't he open the drawer and check? HALSTON    [beat, ominous]  Because the body was already autopsied. MUSIC   SCENE 4.    DAY, SCHOOL SOUND    QUICK FOOTSTEPS IN A TILED HALLWAY TIM    [off mike, slightly out of breath]  Hey!  Darcy? DARCY    Huh?  Tim?  What...? SOUND    FOOTSTEPS APPROACH AND STOP TIM    Hey.  I- um, I wanted to ask-- DARCY    [excited]  Yes? TIM    --about ghosts. DARCY    [deflated]  Oh.  Why? TIM    It's the stories - you know about the ghosts in the morgue.  And you seemed to know a lot.  I mean, about ghosts.  So-- I figured what the heck? DARCY    This is really not the place-- TIM    Step outside?  Just for a moment.  I just got off shift and need some fresh air, anyway.   SCENE 5.    OUTDOORS, CONTINUOUS SOUND    DOOR OPENS.  MORNING NOISES - BIRDS, CARS DARCY    [takes a deep breath]  So.  Ghosts. TIM    Anything you can tell me. DARCY    That's like asking a gearhead about cars.  It covers way too much territory.  You need to be more specific. TIM    How do you ...talk to them? DARCY    Depends.  Some ghosts can't talk.  A lot of them don't even realize they're dead - they say it's the trauma.  They wipe their death right out of their memories, and then get mad because people are ignoring them. TIM    Do you ...need a medium or something? DARCY    Do you need a doctor to know when you have a cold? TIM    What? DARCY    I'm saying that without some detail about your symptoms, you won't know whether to consult an expert. TIM    Oh, Ok. DARCY    I approach ghosts from a theoretical and psychological angle.  TIM    Very scientific. DARCY    So?  Bring me some parameters. MUSIC   SCENE 6.    MORGUE, NIGHT SOUND    BIG DRAWER ROLLS OUT TIM    I wonder if it has to be pushed in? GORDY    [filter, crackly] Dude, you're breaking up - the morgue sucks for reception. TIM    [snicker] A dead zone. GORDY    [filter, crackly] Ha-ha. TIM    So I got this guy...  [muttered, to corpse] Sorry, man.  [to Gordy]  I wonder if it needs to be rolled in? GORDY    [filter, crackly] Did you remember to tie it up? TIM    [resigned] Yes. GORDY    [filter, crackly, fading]  You'll thank me if this is a flesh eating zombie situation. TIM    In, I think. SOUND    DRAWER ROLLS IN TIM    10, 9, 8-- GORDY    [filter, crackly, fading badly] 7--[static] 5-- TIM    4, 3, 2... SOUND    PHONE BEEPS OFF TIM    Crap!  SOUND    MUFFLED SCREAMING ["MALE BODY"] AND BANGING - CONTINUES UNTIL NOTED MALE BODY    [light accent - very southern belle] LET ME OUT! TIM    [almost paralyzed]  Oh, shit!  Oh, shit oh shit oh shit!!! MALE BODY    PLEASE!!!  LET ME OUT!!! SOUND    DIALING PHONE TIM    Gordy, man! SOUND    PHONE BAD CONNECTION SOUND TIM    Shit! MALE BODY    [Screaming incoherently] TIM    [yelling] If I open the drawer, will you shut up? MALE BODY    [suddenly silent, then] Is there someone out there? TIM    Yes.  Just, be calm, OK? MALE BODY    I'll try. SOUND    DRAWER ROLLED OUT TIM    [reacts in fear] MALE BODY    Thank you ever so much!  I was afraid--  I-- Why on earth am I bound?  [clears throat, tries to speak higher pitch] And what in heaven's name has happened to my voice? MALE BODY    I think somehow there is a great deal you are choosing not to tell me. TIM    You're right, but--- this isn't going to be easy.  First, who are you?  Do you remember? MALE BODY    Remember?  Of course.  Bedelia Crane.  Miss Bedelia to my students.  And yourself? TIM    Um, Tim.  Timothy Grant.  MALE BODY    Grant.  Well, there's a name for you. TIM    And -- what year do you think it is? MALE BODY    1932.  Now it's your turn.  Why don't you begin by telling me what it is you are keeping back. MUSIC   SCENE 7.    EMPTY CAFETERIA SOUND    STRAW POPS MILK CARTON GORDY    One advantage of working nights - we have our choice of tables.  TIM    Yup. GORDY    So, do I have to beat it out of you? TIM    What? GORDY    What happened? TIM    Oh.  [lightly] Body came to life, killed me, went off on a rampage. GORDY    Right, and even now, it is heading for the nation's capital, in search of brains. TIM     Wrong direction. GORDY    Well, that's because I was employing sarcasm.  It's a tool of the trade for oncologists. TIM    [beat, shrug] Nothing. GORDY    Nothing? TIM    Nope. GORDY    Well. Guess I better cancel that Ghostbuster stripper I hired.  MUSIC   SCENE 8.    OUTSIDE, DAY SOUND    FOOTSTEPS ON CONCRETE, SECOND SET HURRY UP TIM    Darcy!  Got a minute? DARCY    Hi! [damping her enthusiasm] Tim. TIM    I have some more info on the ghost. DARCY    You're serious? TIM     Oh, yeah.  I talked to her last night.  Asked a bunch of questions - it was weird cause I didn't know she was a SHE, and I'd stuck in a man's body, but-- DARCY    Tim? TIM    Yes? DARCY    You're telling me you spoke to a ghost? TIM    Yes. DARCY    A real live ghost? TIM    Apart from the poor choice of words, yes. DARCY    Are you sure you didn't just fall asleep? TIM    [not too sure] Pretty sure. DARCY    [sigh] I mean, I want to believe you, but - actually speaking to a ghost?  Most people "feel a presence," or notice items have been moved a teensy bit from their previous position, or run into a cold spot.  TIM    Nope.  We just chatted - once I explained how things were, she seemed mostly OK with it.  I guess no one ever just talked with her before. DARCY    [thinks for a moment, then]  You need to video this or something. TIM    Don't you even want to know who she is?  I was kind of hoping you could help me look up her records... [running out of steam] Being in records, and all. DARCY    Oh sure.  Once I see your recording. MUSIC   SCENE 9.    MORGUE, NIGHT SOUND     DRAWER ROLLS OUT TIM    Is this one better? BEDELIA    [delighted]  Oh, much.  I almost feel like myself again.  Though of course, I am not. TIM    You're taking it very well. BEDELIA    I have always prided myself on being a practical woman.  There is no use in shedding tears over what cannot be changed.  [losing confidence] I do, however, worry some little about what's to become of me. TIM    I have some questions for you.  Are you up to answering? BEDELIA    Certainly.  And, Timothy?  Thank you so very much.  For everything.  Particularly for providing me with ... garments.  I know it's ludicrous to be modest with another's-- TIM    No, no.  Perfectly reasonable.  I'm curious‑‑ BEDELIA     Could you help me out first?  I would prefer to hold any such interview in a less horizontal position. SOUND    DRAWER OUT A BIT MORE TIM & BEDELIA    [grunts as he helps her up] SOUND    SEVERAL BARE FOOTSTEPS BEDELIA    [sighs as she sits] Timothy, was this poor girl deformed? TIM    Huh? BEDELIA    I can barely keep my balance and walk with such a monstrous bosom.  Poor, poor child.  TIM    It's--  Um - guys like girls who-- BEDELIA    How times change.  Now in my day - well, my heyday, shall we say - the style was a more delicate, and slender figure.  Athletic.  A girl like this would have cried her eyes out every night and bound herself to kingdom come, trying to achieve a decent flapper slouch. TIM    [shudder] Uhh. BEDELIA    Of, course, I was hardly a flapper - I was a bit old to run with that crowd, [nostalgic] but I spent my share of time in the speaks.  Weekends only, o'course.  It would never do to show up hung at the schoolhouse of a morning. TIM    Can I ask - I mean without offending you - when you were born? BEDELIA    Oh, Timothy.  You are a delight.  I'm dead, child, how can you offend me?  MUSIC   SCENE 10.    MEETING DARCY SOUND    [On RECORDING] OUTSIDE NOISES BEDELIA    [on recording]  I was born in the year 1891, in Rock Creek, Georgia.  I came here in-- SOUND    CLICK - TAPE MACHINE OFF DARCY    [sucks in breath, exasperated noise]  But--  but that could be anyone. TIM    Yeah, I figured you might think that, so here-- SOUND    CLICKING OF COMPUTER KEYS DARCY    [gasp] TIM    Sorry, it's the only way to prove - see the time code - this was 11:50, and then this-- SOUND    CLICKING TIM    Was 1:08.  There.  Before and after shots of the same woman - dead.  Autopsy scars and all. DARCY    Still... TIM    You could come and see for yourself.  You can even choose the body-- DARCY    I -- no.  I mean, I'm in records for a reason.  I don't like ...the smelly parts of medicine. TIM     All right, so-- GORDY    [coming on]  Hey, hey!  Darcy, are you warm in here, or is it just me? DARCY    Is it funny in here, or is it just the way you smell? TIM     Um-- DARCY    I've got to go, Tim.  If I think of anything, I'll let you know. TIM     Um, Ok.  SOUND    CHAIR, FOOTSTEPS LEAVE GORDY    Since the ghost in the drawer was a bust-- TIM    [snort - almost a laugh] GORDY    --I did a little digging in old newspapers and I found you another one. TIM    Really?  In the morgue too? GORDY    Yup.  There was this freshman at the medical school, who for a hazing had to spend the night in the morgue - to make sure he didn't cheat, the frat boys handcuffed him to one of the drawers TIM    Number 23? GORDY    Dude, no one was sober enough to count.  Anyway, so this poor newbie was handcuffed, in his underwear, in the morgue all night, and when they came to let him out-- TIM    [waits, then]  --Yes? GORDY    He was gone. TIM    Oh. GORDY    Wait, wait - He was gone, but his hand was still in the handcuff - he had chewed it off to escape! TIM    That's insane -you can't chew through bone. GORDY    Animals do it. TIM    Animals have teeth made for it.  Humans simply don't have the jaw strength-- GORDY    Dude, it's just a story.  I guess you don't want to hear the best part. TIM    [long sigh, then]  OK, what is it? GORDY    [offhand, not caring] His body was never found. TIM    Mm.  Of course. MUSIC   SCENE 11.    MORGUE, NIGHT SOUND    DRAWER PULLS OUT TIM    Morning. BEDELIA    [chuckle]  Help me out of here, if you please. TIM    Up you come. [grunt] BEDELIA    [sigh] Oh, this is very nice. TIM    You like? BEDELIA    Yes.  A good deal closer my own age, and not bad looking.  TIM    I was telling a friend about you-- BEDELIA    [curious] But why?  I mean, you start telling people that you're speaking with the dead, they're liable to look at you strangely. TIM    Oh, no - Darcy's cool. I asked if she wanted to drop in, but she's - a bit creeped out. BEDELIA    You have the most colorful colloquialisms. TIM    It's not the ghosts that wig her, it's more the corpses. BEDELIA    "wig"? TIM    Bother her. BEDELIA    Ahh.  I don't wonder - not everyone can take a spirit at face value. TIM    Come, sit.  I'm eating lunch - I don't suppose you would like some...? BEDELIA    I highly doubt it.  But it certainly smells delicious.  TIM    [gracious] Smell away. BEDELIA    Tell me about this lady friend of yours.  Is it serious? TIM    [almost choking]  You mean like dating?  Me and Darcy? BEDELIA    Of course we called it courting in my day, but yes - is she your intended? TIM    I-- we-- I guess I never really thought about it.  I mean, she's smart and pretty and all, but she--  [snort] She'd never be interested in me. BEDELIA    Why not?  After all, you're obviously smart, kindhearted, and a fine-looking young man. TIM    [huh?] Me? BEDELIA    Of course.  Is there anyone else in this room?  Why, if I weren't a couple decades too old for you-- TIM    --and dead-- BEDELIA    --and, yes-- [sigh] You see there?  Perhaps that's why you haven't any lady friend.  You don't seem to think before you open your mouth.  TIM    But - I just - it's the truth. BEDELIA    You are much too literal, Timothy.  Sometimes - most of the time - tact isn't in what you say, so much as when you choose to say nothing at all.  You would be amazed at how far a little tact and charm can take you. SOUND    DOOR OPENS, ANGRY FOOTSTEPS ENTER SUMMERFIELD    What in hell's going on? TIM    I--I-- BEDELIA    [sharp]  Sir?  And who the devil are you? TIM    [whispered] It's my boss. SUMMERFIELD    Yeah, I'm his boss, he's my soon to fired employee, and who the devil are you? BEDELIA    [sweetness] I am Timothy's aunt, Bedelia Crane.  I am so pleased to meet one of Timothy's co-workers.  I didn't think I'd have such a chance-- SUMMERFIELD    This is a restricted area, lady. BEDELIA    [as if he was being polite] Oh, you can call me Bedelia.  And you are--? SUMMERFIELD    [rapidly losing steam] Alvin Summerfield, but-- BEDELIA    I'm afraid this is all my fault, Mr. Summerfield.  Or may I call you Alvin? SUMMERFIELD    [softening noticeably] Alvin--Alvin's fine.  Or Al. BEDELIA    [troweling it on] Alvin is much more dignified.  As I was saying, this is entirely my fault.  I'm afraid I dropped in without the least warning - I'm only in town for a couple of hours, before my bus leaves again - and I came by with lunch to surprise him.  I'm afraid Timothy just didn't have the heart to send his poor old aunt back out into the night, when we never get to see each other, ever, ever. TIM    Yeah. SUMMERFIELD    Well, I really can't let you stay, ma'am, but I... I understand.  I won't write Tim up.  This time.  May I walk you to your car? BEDELIA    I'm parked quite some ways away, and couldn't possibly take you away from your business here for that long - but I would certainly appreciate an escort out of the building-- SOUND    TAKES HIS ARM, THEY WALK OFF BEDELIA    [fading out]  --I got myself terribly lost, trying to find my way in.  But then, it is a fascinating place! SOUND    DOOR STARTS TO SWING SHUT, RUNNING FOOTSTEPS, DOOR SWINGS OPEN AGAIN TIM    Don't forget the time, aunt Bedelia!  BEDELIA    Oh? TIM    You've only got [checks] uh, 43 minutes.  Until you gotta be where you have to be. BEDELIA    I understand!  [fading again] Such a good boy - wants to make sure I don't get left behind somewhere-- SOUND    DOOR SHUTS MUSIC   SCENE 12.    MORGUE, NIGHT, LATER SOUND    PACING TIM    12:49.  Where the heck is she?  I need to get that body back-- SOUND    CELL PHONE RINGS TIM    [startled] Aah!  SOUND    FUMBLES WITH PHONE, THEN TURNS IT ON TIM    H-hello? GORDY    [on phone]  [spooooky voice] Whooo-ooooo.  This is your wake-up ghost.  TIM    Gordy? GORDY    [on phone]  No, it's Mabel fable, put the money back on the table. TIM    Gordy! GORDY    [on phone]  Ok, ok!  Jeez, don't get your shroud in a bunch.  TIM    Is there a point--? GORDY    [on phone]  Yeah.  I was googling the morgue and stuff, and realized that one reason I didn't find much was that the hospital changed its name in the 1970s.  Once I found that, I uncovered a bunch of stuff. TIM    In the middle of the night? GORDY    [on phone]  "Best time"  "In an empty house"? - "best place." TIM    Huh? GORDY    [on phone]  [sigh] You're such a nerd.  All right.  Most of the stuff is crap.  Not very interesting. [beat] Except.... TIM    [disinterested] The freshman's handless body? GORDY    [on phone]  No. [serious]  There really was a guy - and you can believe this, cause there's a wiki entry on it - who was working in the morgue and went nuts in the middle of July 17th. TIM    [beat]  That's it? GORDY    [on phone]  He claimed that a huge black shadow had risen from the floor or something, and touched him, and he like had visions or something and went nuts. TIM    When did this happen? GORDY    [on phone] uh [checking] 1945. TIM    He was probably listening to War of the Worlds or something. GORDY    [on phone]  Well, there's more, [tailing off] but if you're not interested-- TIM    All right.  Go on. GORDY    [on phone]  It happened three other times - People claimed to have seen something horrible on July 17th, or else [pause, for suspense] they killed themselves.  Two suicides - a janitor and a nurse who wasn't even supposed to be in the area, both in the mid 50s. TIM    You're really serious? GORDY    [on phone]  As a snack attack. TIM    But Sophia's worked here for twelve years, and she's never had a problem. GORDY    [on phone]  Hmm.  Ask her. TIM    Yeah - besides, she'll be back by then anyway.  GORDY    [on phone]  Good.  You can start leading a normal life again.  Oh, wait, you never had a normal life.  Oh well.  Chow!  TIM    Bye. SOUND    TURNS OFF PHONE SOUND    MOMENT OF SILENCE, THEN A TAP AT THE WINDOW TIM    [startled] Ahh!  Oh shit - Bedelia! MUSIC   SCENE 13.    OUTDOORS, EARLY MORNING TIM    [fading in] --and then it was 1 a-m and I had to drag the body back in really quick and clean it up! DARCY    [chuckling] You are such a freak! TIM    You think I'm a freak - It's Mr. Summerfield who was making all googly eyes at her.  Ugh.  Jeez, I hope he doesn't spot that body on the slab. DARCY    [shudder]  The way you talk about her, it's easy to forget she's really... well... dead. TIM    Yeah, and she's been giving me all sorts of great advice-- [stops] DARCY    Mm? TIM     Nothing.  [changing gears with difficulty] Um, Gordy told me there's concrete evidence of another ghostly presence, and I was hoping you might be interested. DARCY    Who is it this time? TIM    He said the only description was a "dark presence" and that came from a guy who went mad.  I can forward you the e-mail. DARCY    [interested] Yeah.  Do. MUSIC   SCENE 14.    MORGUE, NIGHT BEDELIA    It was so lovely.  Being outside, in the night. TIM    You shouldn't have been out alone!  You could have been-- BEDELIA    Killed?  [chuckles]  Oh, I haven't any real worries on that score.  TIM    Guess not. BEDELIA    But I do appreciate your concern, Timothy.  That's very considerate of you. TIM    Well, I-- BEDELIA    Now yesterday, before we were so rudely interrupted, you were telling me about your young lady friend. TIM    Uh, yeah.  Look - there's something more important-- BEDELIA    More important than romance?  Goodness.  That is just like a man.  TIM    It's another ghost. BEDELIA    Oh? TIM    Here in the morgue.  Someone - something - who only appears once a year - July 17 - and drives people crazy. BEDELIA    I had an uncle like that, but he only-- TIM    Please!  Have you ever seen this - thing? BEDELIA    [takes a moment to contemplate him]  tsk.  Timothy, you know very well that I have spent very little time of the last 75 years or so taking any notice of the world around me.  When there's no body in the drawer at midnight, I just carry on asleep.  TIM    I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.  BEDELIA    Of course not.  It never hurts to ask.  You should ask your young lady to dinner sometime. TIM    Why?  We eat together - breakfast - all the time.  [flushes, realizing how this must sound, blurts] I mean when I get off shift, and she's coming in. BEDELIA    Silly boy.  That's just food.  "Dinner" is an event. MUSIC   SCENE 15.    OUTSIDE, MORNING DARCY    I think I found out something for you... about your friend Bedelia.  TIM    Go on? SOUND    FLIPS PAGES DARCY    Hold on.  All right. I found her hospital records, and they're pretty useless - it's amazing how unspecific stuff was back in the day!  But they do say she was admitted on a Saturday morning, very early, unconscious, slipped into a coma and stopped breathing. TIM    But did it say why? DARCY    [she knows something] Noooo.  [beat]   But-- TIM    But? DARCY    I checked the papers around the same time, and there were a number of near deaths from a bad batch of bathtub gin-- TIM    In 1932 - but prohibition ended-- [cuts self off] DARCY    [waits a second, then] And, they all looked dead, presumably a deep coma, but then revived. TIM    You mean she--? DARCY    She probably revived in the drawer and then really died. TIM    Oh.  [swallows]  Well, thanks!  Sounds like you did a lot of work on that. DARCY    Oh, I like going through old newspapers.  The ads are hilarious!  [beat] I also discovered one of the ineffable truths of life. TIM    Huh? DARCY    Gordy is an idiot. TIM    Oh, well - we knew that. DARCY    Your dark shape?  It exists. TIM    Really? DARCY    In Ontario.  Gordy mistook Moss Creek General, which was the old name here, for Moose Creek General, which is in some teensy town in Canada.  Tsch. The wonders of the internet. TIM    Darcy... DARCY    Hmm? TIM    [very awkward] Would you like to go to dinner sometime? MUSIC, MUCH TIME PASSES   SCENE 16.    ENTERING MORGUE, NIGHT TIM    Thanks for staying up - Sophia warned me it would be awkward to readjust to days - and even more awkward to just work weekends like this. DARCY    What else am I going to do with my weekend nights?  [teasing] My boyfriend has to work. SOUND    KISS, they break apart, both laughing a little SOUND    A COUPLE MORE STEPS, THEN DOOR PUSHES OPEN. TIM    [shock and horror] What the hell? HALSTON    Hiya Tim.  I shoulda warned you - they finished over on the quad building ahead of schedule, so they started tearing stuff out over here.  Think of it - six months, and we'll have the newest facilities in the state! TIM    But-- DARCY    Oh, no!  [sympathetic] Tim! HALSTON    What?  Didya leave something in the morgue?  TIM    Yeah.  In one of the drawers.  Where- where ... are ... they? HALSTON    Out back with the rest of the rubble, I suppose.  Why? TIM    [strained] Nothing.  Have a good night! [aside, to Darcy]  Help me? DARCY    Um, sure.  What do you-- TIM    Come back at 11:30 and-- HALSTON    [slightly off] At least it means work will be a piece of cake - everyone's being re-rerouted to Central until we get an interim suite set back up. TIM    [whispered] 11:30.  We'll take a look.  I just need to - at least say goodbye. DARCY    [a little unsure] Sure.  Um.  What's the worst that can happen? MUSIC   SCENE 17.    OUTSIDE, OUT BACK AMBIANCE    DISTANT TRAFFIC, NIGHTTIME SOUND    CLANKING NOISES DARCY    [whispered call] Found em! SOUND    HURRIED FOOTSTEPS TIM    Where? DARCY    But they're all out of order.  Ooh.  Some really didn't take it well. TIM    Check the numbers? DARCY    Oh, Tim - most of them don't seem to have them-- TIM    Look for a dent on the front that looks like a pair of lips - I rammed a gurney into the drawer one night. SOUND    METAL RATTLES, ETC. DARCY    [beat] This one? TIM    Oh, yes!  Help me turn it back over. DARCY    But without a body, how can you-- SECURITY GUARD    Hey, you over there!  TIM    Run, Darcy!  SOUND    DARCY RUNS SOUND    TIM CLIMBS UNDER THE DRAWER AND HIDES. SECURITY GUARD    Hey!  You kids! SOUND    RUNNING FEET GO PAST TIME PASSES SOUND    DARCY'S FEET RETURN DARCY    [whispered call] Tim?  Tim? TIM     Over here. DARCY    Oh!  When I realized you weren't behind me, I thought he got you! TIM    [Sounding like Bedelia] Nonsense.  I waited in ambush.  [then, completely himself] Gotta get back to work.  See you for breakfast? DARCY    Did you--?  The drawer--? TIM    No. [rueful, but sounding just a touch like Bedelia]  Not a soul.  Any longer.   CLOSER OLIVIA    Now that you know how to find us, don't be a stranger - we have enough of those already...  END

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