19 Nocturne Boulevard

19 Nocturne Boulevard - THE SEVENTH KEY - Reissue

11.11.2021 - By Julie HoversonPlay

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THE SEVENTH KEY A writer makes a bet that she can change her style - and perhaps her life - overnight Written and produced by Julie Hoverson Cast List Cindy Applegate - Chandra Wade Troy - Matthias Rebne Morgan Mandy - Crystal Thomson Regia - Kristina Yuen Tex - Mike Campbell Lucas - Abner Senires Roarke - Rick Lewis Old Scupper - Julie Hoverson Trooper 1 - Glen Hallstrom Trooper 2 - Franknvox 19 Nocturne theme music:  Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com) All other music is from the album "Pursuit of Happiness" by C. Filipe Alves (used under a Creative Commons License, found at www.jamendo.com) Recorded with the assistance of Ryan Hirst of Neohoodoo Studio Editing and Sound:   Julie Hoverson    "What kind of a place is it? Why it's a writer's studio, can't you tell?"   ********************************************** The seventh key The seventh Key is the other play vaguely inspired by the Seven Keys to Bald Pate - The book by Earl Derr Biggars, and the play by George M. Cohan, and the 1970s loosely inspired film The House of Long Shadows. While Murder Ward arose primarily from the catfishing aspect of the story, this one is more obviously the basic plotline - author makes a bet to write something different if given an inspirational place, and then things go awry.  There's a hint that the catfishing is still happening, but maybe it's not. Part of this is simply an indictment of the unrealistic expectations that romance novels give women - we all complain about porn creating unreal expectations for men, then dream about 7 foot tall warrior hunks with long fabio hair and tribal tatoos, and more junk than any man should have, since he would pass out every time from blood loss to the brain. That's why every man in this play is utterly impossible, from Cindy's point of view.  They all prove that reality is terrible.  Originally Tex and Luke were both sort of dudebros, but a last minute replacement put Michael Campbell in for his first session with us, and he sounded too similar to Luke, and wasn't comfortable with a cowboy type accent (my original intention for Tex).  So on the spot we decided Tex was effusively gay - which would be another and different way he could be "completely unavailable" to our lovelorn writer. The multiple endings are also inspired by Seven Keys to Bald Pate, and are more meant to show the many horrible ways a writers mind expects projects to go down in flames, or fall apart, than necessarily to show an actual event.  We all imagine having our book done, then finding it's gone horribly wrong.... ********************************************** THE SEVENTH KEY Cast: Olivia - Host Cindy Applegate (F30s), a writer Regia (F40s), Cindy's publisher Troy (M30s), Cindy's imaginary boyfriend Mandy (F30s), Cindy's sister Tex, Luke, Roarke (M20s/30s, obnoxious) - film crew Old Scupper (M, elder)- crusty old salt Trooper1 and 2 - (M, any) police OLIVIA     Did you have any trouble finding it?  What do you mean, what kind of a place is it?  Why, it's a writer's condo, can't you tell?  MUSIC   SCENE 1.    WRITING AT HOME SOUND     COMPUTER, TYPING CINDY    [muttering as she types, overwrought] ...and  I love you too, my dearest darling. SOUND    PHONE RINGS CINDY    [irritated mumble] Go away, he's about to make an indecent proposal.  TROY    I can no longer contain my passion.  My blood hums for you.  You must be mine! CINDY    [ecstatic sigh] SOUND    PICKS UP PHONE CINDY    [almost an ecstatic sigh] Yes? REGIA    You've been writing, haven't you? CINDY    [still dreamy] Of course.  That's what you want me to do, isn't it? REGIA    Of course.  So.  What's the new one? CINDY    "Rogue of Fate" REGIA    Quick précis? CINDY    Warwick Wellington, handsome and devilish owner of Wellington shipping lines and dabbler in exotic animals hires cat breeder Gloriana Mundy to help him birth a rare white leopard-- REGIA    They hate each other on sight, and yet fall in love, have a steamy sex scene and then argue, never to see each other again, but then the panther-- CINDY    --Leopard-- REGIA    --goes into labour and they have to work together to save the cubs, and realize their attraction is unavoidable? CINDY    [shocked] How-- how did you guess? REGIA    Cindy, you know I'm your friend as well as your agent, right? CINDY    Yes, but what has-- REGIA    It's roughly the same as every plot you've ever written.  In fact I think it's identical to "Never the Twain Shall Sleep" except that was a prize-winning race horse instead of a leopard.  You're kind of predictable.  CINDY    [truly distressed] But - no.  It can't be, I don't--  not on purpose! REGIA    I know.  That's actually the very sad part.  I know, and you know, that you just happen to write that way, and not that you have a formula tacked to the wall that says "page 32, they meet.  At page 230, they quarrel" or anything like that.  CINDY    I don't!  I swear! REGIA    The good thing is that your books always sell.  I'm never going to fault you for that - but I'd love to see what you could do if you ever did break out of this rut.  You're a competent writer, and you'll always have an audience, but you could do more, if you tried something a little different. CINDY    Like what? REGIA    Are you seeing anyone? CINDY    Dr. Mallory said I didn't really need-- REGIA    I meant dating. CINDY    Oh.  [grudging] No. REGIA    You should. CINDY    Men are pigs. REGIA    Which is why your heroes perspire rather than sweat.  Real women like real men.  At least a little bit. CINDY    They're ... messy.  Uncooperative. REGIA.      Yup.  Try it - you might like it. SOUND    PHONE HANGS UP MUSIC   SCENE 2. CINDY    You are the only one who understand me, Troy. TROY    Of course, my proud beauty.  For you are complex and mysterious and most men can't be bothered to see past the ends of their-- CINDY    [cutting him off] Yes, yes.  Troy, you will always love me, won't you? TROY    As long as there is breath in my body. CINDY    Oh, Troy! TROY    Oh, Cindy! SOUND    PHONE RINGS CINDY    Oh, pooh! SOUND    PICKS UP PHONE CINDY    Yes? MANDY    Hey sis.  I guess I caught you at a bad time? CINDY    [irritated] I was just... composing. What do you need? MANDY    I was just going to see if you wanted to come to dinner this weekend.  George and I haven't seen you in ages. CINDY    Who is it this time? MANDY    [overly innocent] Whatever can you mean? CINDY    Please - when you start talking like... like-- MANDY    One of your heroines? CINDY    [pedantic] The way people talked in the 18th and 19th century-- MANDY    I give up!  I will give you the code words.  His name is Rob, and he's a banker.  He's nice.  Cute even - if you don't mind someone a tad... cuddly. CINDY    Stop trying to fix me up - why can't you believe I'm just fine? MANDY    Because you're alone, and if I know you, you're talking to your imaginary boyfriend again. CINDY    You said you'd never-- MANDY     Drop it!  Sorry!  Come to dinner anyway.  We'll tell Rob you have something contagious, and you can just sit and be bored with the three of us.  [beat]  Cody misses his auntie. CINDY    Cody can't feed himself yet.  I doubt he can tell us apart, the way he keeps trying to get into my shirt. MANDY    For a romance writer, you are the least sentimental person I know.  No wonder all your characters are cardboard cutouts. CINDY    They are not! MANDY    Sweetie.  They all use the same 10 lines at some point in their respective narrative - there's an entire website devoted to spotting them and mocking you. CINDY    What ten lines? MANDY    Lessee - "my proud beauty" CINDY    [squeaky gasp] MANDY    "As long as there is breath in my body", "you may take my body but you will never have my heart" - that one from her, whoever "her" is at the moment.  Hmm.  I can forward you the URL if you like. CINDY    No!  And I'm not going to come to dinner.  I'm busy.  Writing.  Something completely different. MANDY     I'll believe that when I read it. CINDY    You bet you will. MANDY    You're on!   CINDY    What? MANDY    I'll bet you one year that you can't write a real novel - even a novella - in the same time that it takes you to rattle off one of your froufrou books. CINDY    One year?  Of what? MANDY    [chuckles evilly]  One year that you come to dinner twice a month and be nice to whoever we invite-- CINDY    Whomever. MANDY    --against one year when I won't even ask you over. CINDY    You're - you're on!  I could use a year of not being nagged. MANDY    But you have to get the first draft done in a weekend - that's how long you told Women's Day it takes you to write one of your books. CINDY    [gasp] How can anyone be so horrid? MANDY    I'm your sister - and yes, that one's on the list too. SOUND    MANDY HANGS UP.  CINDY SLOWLY PUTS DOWN RECEIVER CINDY    Am I really that ... predictable? TROY    A woman is a bundle of senses, with a dash of nonsense. CINDY    Argh! MUSIC   SCENE 3. CINDY    Why didn’t you ever tell me? REGIA    [on phone]  I did - you just never heard.  I didn't push it because you always sell so well - to women who like a certain kind of man, a certain kind of story, and a certain kind of resolution.  You always deliver. CINDY    I'm - I'm boring!  This website even says so.  "Good god!  How could I have been so blind" - oh No!  I will never say that again! REGIA    It's not that bad.  Ignore the critics.  Write what you love.  As long as it sells, why worry about it? CINDY    Is money all you think about? REGIA    I am an agent. CINDY    But I want people to like my books, not laugh at them.  I want to write something good.  Something meaningful. REGIA    Oh, man.  I said you should try something different, but, meaningful?  Why such a change? CINDY    Because just surviving isn’t living at all.  [defiant] and yes, that's one of the ten. REGIA    Ten? CINDY    Never mind.  Will you help me? REGIA    Help you - with what? CINDY    I need a place to write.  Inspiration.  Atmosphere.  Just for a weekend - enough to rough out a new story.  [definite] Something meaningful. REGIA    Meaningful books are a tougher sell.  I like your books the way they are. CINDY    I can always go back to churning out the same old... crap...later. TROY    During our year of peace. MUSIC   SCENE 4.    OUTSIDE THE LIGHTHOUSE SOUND    WALKING, OUTSIDE, WIND, ONE PAIR OF FEET IS VERY STOMPY OLD SCUPPER     Yar.  The lighthouse heah was decommissioned night on fotty yeahs gone.  SOUND    BIRD NOISE CINDY    Oh, seagulls! OLD SCUPPER    [completely dry] Cahnt see why - being right heah on the beach, and all. SOUND    KEYS JINGLE - OLD CREAKY DOOR OPENS OLD SCUPPER    Cahs it ain't been empty the hul time - we gets renters from time to time who want to paint or try that meditation yahoo, but-- but no one eveh stays more'n a month.  SOUND    THEY GO INSIDE, CREAKY DOOR SLAMS SHUT WITH AN ECHO CINDY    [eep!] OLD SCUPPER    It's all on account o' the ghost.  CINDY    Yes, that's exactly why I came here. OLD SCUPPER    Har har har.  Y'ain't the fust, young lady, to think they cud stand up t' the ghost.  CINDY    I heard it was a woman who committed suicide?  Jumped off the-- OLD SCUPPER    Ain't that romantic, now?  Nar.  She were killed.  And then he killed hisself.  No one atall is dead sure which one itis which haunts the place - or mayhaps it's both of 'em.  CINDY    Well, can't they see?  If it's in a dress--? OLD SCUPPER    Yer head is full o' crap.  It's them movies and the T-V makes it sound like ghosts look just like regular folks.  Bah.  [spookier and spookier] This haunt - or haunts, as the case may be - is just a dark shape which covers the winduhs, making day inta night, and then it lets out such a scream -  a scream to shake down the very heavens.  Them as hears the scream falls inter a deep sleep and when they finally wake up, they find they've done ... terrible things.  Best you come on back befoah dark and stay in town.  Tis not far - just an hour or so afoot. CINDY    No.  I'm fine.  Thanks.  OLD SCUPPER    Suit yerself. SOUND    FEET STOMP OFF.  DOOR OPENS.  CLICK CINDY    Hey! OLD SCUPPER    Ayah? CINDY    What about the electricity? OLD SCUPPER    Yer don' know how t'work a jenny? CINDY    Who's Jenny? OLD SCUPPER    [disgusted noise] Gar.  SOUND    DOOR SHUTS, FEET STOMP AWAY INSIDE MUSIC   SCENE 5. SOUND    TYPING AWAY ON A LAPTOP CINDY    [mutters as she types]  --window high above the pounding surf.  The darkness closes in, the wind echoes through the huge column of stone, and the rocks call out to her.  "Join us."  No, scratch that, "we have the answer to all your pain"-- SOUND    KNOCK ON THE OUTER DOOR ECHOES LOUDLY CINDY    [eep!]  Coming! SOUND    A COUPLE MORE LAPTOP KEYS SOUND    ENDLESS FEET DOWN STAIRS, THEY STOP.  THEN CONTINUE CINDY    Just a minute! SOUND    FEET DESCEND AND FINALLY FADE INTO-- CINDY    Coming! SOUND    DOOR OPENS CINDY    [out of breath]  Hello?  [half wolf whistle, half gasp]  Hell-o! TEX    [very campy] Hello!  Is this the Sutter's Wharf lighthouse? CINDY    [puzzled and disappointed] Yes.  Um.  Is there something I can do for you? TEX    I wanted to make sure before we start bringing in the equipment.  [turns away and gives a huge whistle]  CINDY    Equip... what? TEX    We'll be staying in here, then?  SOUND    FOOTSTEPS INTO ECHOES TEX    [echoey] Hmm.  Not bad.  We're with "In Specter" - you know, the ghost hunting show?  We're doing a spot on the lighthouse this weekend.  Didn't you get the memo?  CINDY    But... but I'm renting the lighthouse this weekend. TEX    You aren't the owner?  CINDY    I-I'm a writer - I came here for some peace and quiet and-- SOUND    SQUEAKY WHEELS APPROACH LUKE    ["dude" yelling from off] Dude, get out of the way!  Got the beers! CINDY    [nearly in tears] -- and atmosphere. TEX    Sorry.  We've had it booked for six months.  You'll have to talk to Roarke.  Our boss. CINDY    Roarke?  That's a nice name.  I gotta make a note-- TEX    You got one? CINDY    A note? TEX    [snorting laugh] No.  A name.  I'm Tex, and this ...studmuffin is Luke. LUKE    [a little off]  Yo! CINDY    Cindy.  Cindy Applegate. LUKE    Oh!  Woah!  Any relation to--? CINDY    [surprised and pleased] Yes - yes, it's me - I'm the writer. LUKE    Writer?  No - you know, the hot actress.  Babelicious!  Smoking!  Awoo! CINDY    Argh! MUSIC   SCENE 6.    OUTSIDE SOUND    PACING ON DIRT CINDY    This Roarke will just have to understand. TROY    You will sway him with your plight.  And your beauty. CINDY    Maybe he'll even be handsome-- TROY    Your eyes devoured those two musclebound-- CINDY    But this Roarke guy is the boss.  He's probably Irish or something.  Fiery.  Passionate. TROY    Who wouldn't be, faced with your loveliness? CINDY    Regia said she arranged everything. TROY    Unless... CINDY    What? TROY    Perhaps she thought the presence of other people might stir your creative juices. CINDY    Maybe... SOUND    CAR WINDOW ROLLS DOWN CINDY    Roarke? ROARKE    [obnoxiously Brooklyn]  OK, I got 5 minutes. CINDY    [vastly disappointed] Oh.  Sure.  Um, my publicist-- ROARKE    I was just on the phone with her.  Someone well and truly screwed the pooch on this one, but we're willing to let you stick around while we work-- CINDY    But I need quiet to write! ROARKE    Tough titty, babe.  You can stay, but only if you let the crew fit you into the show - Your agent said it would be good for your image, all that crap. CINDY    But when will I be able to write? ROARKE    We'll be shooting local color tonight and tomorrow by day - write then.  But at night, you gotta be around in case this ghost shows up.  CINDY    You think I'll really enhance the show? ROARKE    Chicks scream better. SOUND    WINDOW ROLLS UP MUSIC   SCENE 7. SOUND    SEAGULLS, OUTSIDE AMBIANCE, OCEAN, WIND SOUND    KEYBOARD CLICKS CINDY    [Muttering through gritted teeth]  Ensconced on the parapet, I gazed down over the jagged cliffs below, and wondered if perhaps this was the same view - the last view - of the murdered woman so long ago.  Whether the moaning of the wind in the rocks called to her, the way they sing now - even now - in my head. SOUND    A COUPLE OF LAST CLICKS, LAPTOP CLOSES CINDY    [sigh] TROY    It's going well, all things considered. CINDY    Yes.  But it's almost dark, and then-- TROY    He required you be available, not actually present. CINDY    I hope the ghost shows up - then they can get what they want and go.  TROY    Have you considered--? CINDY    What? TROY    That this was much too fortuitous - your arrival followed so closely by theirs?  Perhaps your agent did this a'purpose. CINDY    But why?  She wants me to write-- TROY    Ah, but she also wants you to socialize.  With real people.  CINDY    Well, if I don't get this darn draft done, I'll definitely be stuck socializing - if you can call any of Mandy and George's friends "real".  [shudder] TROY    Would it be so horrible? CINDY    Yes. SOUND    KNOCK ON DOOR TEX    Hey, you up here? SOUND     DOOR OPENS TEX    There you are, pretty lady. CINDY    What do you want? TEX    Making sure you didn't fall off or nothing.  CINDY    [chilling] Nope.  Not yet. TEX    Well.  Dinner's on, anyway.  MUSIC   SCENE 8.    SHOOTING SOUND    WHIRRING OF MACHINERY VOICE    [on P.A.] IN SPECTOR LUKE    OK, so we're here in Sutter's Wharf lighthouse, waiting to see if the infamous screaming shadow will appear.  TEX    And for once, we're not all alone.  We have a guest - famous romance writer Cindy Appleton.  CINDY    [hollow, deer in headlights]  Applegate. TEX    Applegate.  [beat]  Here, honey, wave.  I guess little Cindy ain't exactly hard to scare, huh, Luke? LUKE    [chuckles]  Well, Tex, writing's a pretty lonely business.  And this is a lonely place.  Right Cindy? CINDY    Yes.  LUKE    Yeah.  See, dude? CINDY    It is a lonely business. TEX    Right.  Well, they say the ghost has been known to walk the platform around the light, upstairs.  So we're going to haul ass up there for a while.  Come on. SOUND    LIGHTS SWITCHED OFF ROARKE    That coulda been better. CINDY    I thought ...there would be a script. ROARKE    You wanna write one, go ahead, but we don't got the budget to pay for nuttin like that. CINDY    I'm... sorry. ROARKE    No skin off my ass.  Embarrassing famous people goes over great on TV.  And your agent agreed that, short of actual nudity, anything we shoot of you this weekend will get her ok for air time. TROY    We should get clear of this nest of vipers! CINDY    [trying to be brave]  Well.  You can film me writing for the next half hour.  I have a scene that has to get written. ROARKE    Not bad - use the publicity from the show to push the book.  And vicey-versy.  Not bad at all. MUSIC   SCENE 9. SOUND    DOOR SLAMS, SQUEAK, LATCH CINDY    Well, I can get a little privacy anyway.  SOUND    OPEN LAPTOP, POWER UP TROY    You know I will always support anything you do-- SOUND    HORRIBLE DRILLING NOISE CINDY    What the blazes? SOUND    LATCH OPENS, DOOR OPENS CINDY    What's the-- SOUND    HORRIBLE DRILLING NOISE, LOUDER CINDY    Ahhhhhhh!  [as soon as it ends] What IS that! LUKE    Eyebolts, little dudette.  Can't have the cameras falling if the ghost shows up.  We got permission. CINDY    But the noise! LUKE    Yeah, sucks, don't it.  Oh, well.  Be done soon.  [laughs] Woah! SOUND    DRILLING SOUND    DOOR SLAMS MUSIC   SCENE 10.    TIME PASSES SOUND    TYPING TROY    [voice cutting the music]  Weren't they coming back to get you? CINDY    Hmm?  Maybe they forgot about me. TROY    But it's been hours. CINDY    Has it? SOUND    TURNING DOWN VOLUME OF THE MUSIC CINDY    It is awfully quiet. TROY    It's past one. CINDY    Wow. SOUND    TAPPING A FEW LAST KEYS, CLOSE LAPTOP, REMOVE MEMORY STICK CINDY    I guess I should see.  SOUND    LATCH LIFTS, THEN HESITATES CINDY    They might just be waiting to catch me off guard again. TROY    Don't let them.  You're much too clever.  You can do this. SOUND    DOOR OPENS CINDY    [quiet, echoing] Hello? MUSIC   SCENE 11. SOUND    WALKING AND TURNING ON A CELLPHONE CINDY    Searching, searching... TROY    Perhaps they're filming outside? CINDY    They wouldn't have left all the equipment.  It's all just sitting there...  Even that darn drill.   [gasp]  Drat.  No bars.  Figures.  SOUND    CELL PHONE SLAPS SHUT TROY    Leaving is a very viable option.  Grab your smallest case and we can-- CINDY    But their blasted truck has boxed me in.  TROY    Only about an hour's walk.  According to the ...rustic. CINDY    But if something happened here, wouldn't it have happened to me too? TROY    Then... what? CINDY    I think it's a joke.  They thought it was funny catching me out in front of the camera, and now... TROY    An even more persuasive argument that you must leave this place. CINDY    No.  I can just see it - bedraggled author crawls into town after night in haunted lighthouse, only to find camera crew at local bar.  Yes!  That's where they must be.  Well, I'm not playing. TROY    So you will--? CINDY     Go upstairs and get back to work.  There's still plenty of time before they stagger in. MUSIC   SCENE 12.    POWER TROUBLE SOUND    DOOR SHUTS, DOOR LATCH SOUND    ELECTRIC NOISE, BUZZ-DIP. CINDY    Oh, shi--oot! SOUND    LAPTOP UNPLUGGED, THEN TURNED ON CINDY    Oh, no!  Good thing I have backup. SOUND    LAPTOP BOOTS CINDY    [sigh of relief] SOUND    ELECTRIC DIP, THEN OUT.  POP OF LIGHT BULB CINDY    [eep!] TROY    Now it's truly time to go. CINDY    But how will I get back down and out of here in the dark? TROY    How can you stay? CINDY    Easy.  I write for the four hours I have on battery, and by then dawn will be coming up.  I just sit tight. MUSIC   SCENE 13.    WORKING SOUND    TYPING MADLY TROY    What if it was the ghost? CINDY    Hey, whose imaginary friend are you anyway? TROY    [calming] I help you to express your fears. CINDY    Well, right now, any fears I have are right outside that door, and can stay there.  SOUND    ELECTRIC NOISE RETURNS SOUND    DRILL OUTSIDE THE DOOR - continues until noted CINDY    [Starts screaming] TROY    Shh,  It's going to be all right. Shh.  Calm down.  You need to be calm. CINDY    [down to whimpering] TROY    It's not that bad - the power just came back on and the surge started the drill. CINDY    [gasping] Really? TROY    [uncertain]  It's the only logical answer. CINDY    Logic sucks. TROY    The noise won't go away until you go out there and turn it off. CINDY    No! TROY    What if you're the only one here - that damn noise will drive you mad until you put it right. CINDY    Someone had to turn on the generator. TROY    Really? CINDY    I think so.  So someone has to be out there. TROY    [ominous] Someone. CINDY    You're doing it again!  Shh! SOUND    FOOTSTEPS COMING UP THE STAIRS CINDY    [eep] TROY    Who do you think it is? CINDY    Ssh. TROY    No one but you can hear me, my sweet one. CINDY    [whispered] Oh.  Right. SOUND    FOOTSTEPS GET CLOSE.  DOOR IS RATTLED CINDY    [gasping] TROY    If they were not villains, they'd hail you, wouldn't they? CINDY    Uh-huh. TROY    Bloody hell. CINDY    Uh-huh! SOUND    FOOTSTEPS GO ON PAST TROY    Oh good. SOUND    DRILL IS TURNED OFF CINDY    [huge sigh] SOUND    SOMETHING HEAVY DROPS.  FOOTSTEPS START TO RETURN CINDY    [rapid breathing, trying to stay quiet] SOUND    SUDDEN POUNDING ON DOOR CINDY    [hands over mouth, to keep self quiet] TROOPER    [muffled] Police!  Open up! CINDY    Police? TROY    Can you trust him? CINDY    [whispered] What else can I do?  [up, but shaky] I'm coming. SOUND    SLOW STEPS TO DOOR, LATCH OPENS, THEN DOOR CINDY    Police? TROOPER1    Will you step out here ma'am?  Please keep your hands where I can see them. CINDY    What?  Why? TROOPER1    [calling off]  Found one! CINDY    One what? TROOPER1    Survivor.  Come on. CINDY    I can't leave my laptop!  What do you mean, survivor? TROOPER1    We're just going downstairs - for the moment.  Everything will be perfectly safe. SOUND    FEET SLOWLY DESCEND STAIRS CINDY    Heavens! TROOPER1    Stay to the right here, at the bottom of the stairs - we don't want you walking in the evidence.  Come on. CINDY    I can't! TROOPER2    Hey!  What's the hold up? CINDY    What happened? TROOPER1    That's what we want you to tell us, ma'am.  Now if you would just step this way-- CINDY    No! SOUND    FEET RUN UPSTAIRS, HEAVY BOOTS FOLLOW.  SHE IS GRABBED TROOPER1    [struggling with her] We've tried to be polite about this, but you have to come with us - it's not a request. CINDY    [breathing hard, half whispered]  I've never seen so much blood! SOUND    FOOTSTEPS DESCEND AGAIN TROOPER1    I'm willing to believe that, miss, but we need to find out what you did see.  I mean tonight. CINDY    Nothing.  Before the lights went out, no one was here, and then there was no power, so I worked on battery in my room, and then you turned...them back on... TROOPER1    You didn't hear anything?  Anything at all? CINDY    I tend to be ... lost... in thought - when I write.  And the walls seem pretty thick.  [breath catches]  What... happened? TROOPER1     Don't know.  The bodies are all ... missing.  MUSIC   SCENE 14.    ONE PHONE CALL CINDY    I promise you, I didn't see or hear anything. REGIA    [on phone] Did you tell them that? CINDY    Over and over again.  They won't believe me.  They think I did some awful thing! REGIA    I know a few lawyers.  We'll get this sorted out.  CINDY    But I didn’t do anything!  REGIA    Sorry, you caught me in a bad cell zone.  Let me get to a land line and call you back. SOUND    CLICK PHONE OFF CINDY    That's a fine kettle of fish. TROY    They would never convict you - they must see what a lovely soul you truly are. CINDY    People have been wrongly convicted in the past. TROY    Perhaps she will find you a handsome and masculine attorney who, convinced of your innocence, will set you free in the eleventh hour. CINDY     I want to be set free in the first hour! SOUND    DOOR OPENS CINDY    [eep!] TROOPER1    All right, you're free to go. CINDY    I ...am? TROOPER1    Found them.  They're fine. CINDY    But the blood? TROOPER1    Minor accident with a drill.  All cleared up now.  CINDY    So I can - go?  Go back to my writing? TROOPER1    [up close and personal] From the state of you, you need a long hot soak in a scented tub, with candles, and maybe a hot oil massage. CINDY    [breathless, hopeful]  Really?  TROOPER1    [flippant] That’s what your agent suggested, anyway.  We can get you to a nice hotel where you can-- CINDY    No.  I'm going to stay right here and finish my new book, and you can't stop me.  [losing her edge]  You can't stop me, can you? TROOPER1    Do what you want.  You'll be all alone - at least for the night.  The crew should be back by mid-morning, though. CINDY    All the more reason to use my time wisely.  Bye, now! TROOPER1    Oh, and watch out for the ghost! CINDY    [gasp!] MUSIC   SCENE 15.    THE HAUNTING CINDY    What time is it? TROY    Nearly 4 am.  Long past the witching hour, now is truly the dead of night.  The darkest hour just before dawn. CINDY    Dawn is at 6:43 a-m today. TROY    Ah!  Then the darkest hour is yet to come. CINDY    Well, I'm a good 150 pages in, anyway. SOUND    SCREECH CINDY    What--? TROY    A night bird, perhaps? SOUND    SCREECH, LOUDER TROY    No, it's-- CINDY    The ghost! TROY    Hide yourself!  Cover your ears! CINDY    No!  The only way to conquer this sort of phantasm-- SOUND    SCREECH CINDY    [losing steam rapidly] Is to... face it down? TROY    You are so brave.  And so beautiful. CINDY    Thank you.  I needed that. TROY    Of course. SOUND    DOOR FLUNG OPEN SOUND    SCREECH CINDY    [Screams - much like she is falling, much like the squeak] MUSIC   SCENE 16.    FALSE ENDING ONE CINDY    [waking up noises, eep] REGIA    See.  Told you she'd be fine.  Cindy-- [trying not to laugh] The look on your face!  It was priceless.  Here, I caught it - see?  SOUND    PHONE BEING OPENED, PICTURES SCROLLED THROUGH CINDY    What are you doing here?  What happened? MANDY    I just won a bet, is what happened.  Now you've got to make nice to every one of George's friends. CINDY    What do you mean?  I still have time-- REGIA    You've been dead to the world for over 10 hours, which brings your window of opportunity to a nice tidy close.  Sorry about that, but you should learn to pace yourself. CINDY    But it's nearly completed - that MUST count for something! REGIA    This file on your laptop?  The one that just repeats the same ten lines over and over.  Very Stephen King, but not really marketable, sweetheart. CINDY    I didn’t!  Let me see!  Oh, god, what have I done? MANDY    Yes, that's one of them. CINDY    You rigged it, didn’t you? REGIA    What?  Why would I do that? CINDY    The two of you - you were in it together, conspiring to make me ...  to force me to lose! REGIA    [Laughing]  Well, we did hire a couple of guys. MANDY    They were more than ready to help.  CINDY    But why? MANDY    A single woman is an embarrassment.  It's just a fact. CINDY    This is all just to convince me to find a man? REGIA    Pretty much. CINDY    Troy?  Where are you--? MANDY    Troy's not real.  You must realize that. CINDY    [Screams - much like she is falling] MUSIC   SCENE 17.    FALSE ENDING 2 SOUND    TAPPING AWAY ON KEYS CINDY    [mutters]  And she spent the rest of her days locked up in a padded cell, demanding that someone find Troy and get him to come and visit her.  The end. TROY    Most excellent.  You will surely win your bet. CINDY    [melodrama] Somehow, the bet is unimportant, now.  I've really grown through writing this.  I can see that my life will be different - better - if I let myself deal with people on a one to one basis.  If I forge a meaningful relationship with a good man. TROY    Then you will no longer need me? CINDY    I will always need you, Troy! TROY    Oh, Cindy! CINDY    [Screams in ecstacy - still sound much like she is falling] MUSIC   SCENE 18.    THE ENDING REGIA    And that's how it ends.  It's really-- MANDY    Really? REGIA    A steaming heap of poo. MANDY    [very disappointed]  Ohh. REGIA    It'll still sell millions.  MANDY    But she worked so hard-- REGIA    Yeah, yeah.  And it has the huge advantage of being the last thing she wrote.  Lucky we were able to recover anything from the laptop at all - since she took it with her when she made that leap off the lighthouse. CLOSING OLIVIA    Now that you know how to find us, don't be a stranger - we have enough of those already...     

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