Our ancestors were sun worshipers. The Sol- vagnen is perhaps the finest example of a Scandinavian Bronze Age religion.It also provides insight into the timing of the domestication of the horse in Scandinavia.
Another important symbol in the north is the sun cross also called ”the wheel of the year” ”årshjulet”. Its a cross with a circle around it. It represent the four cosmic turning points ;
vinter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice and the fall equinox.
We have never let go of our heathen traditions. All the way back from the Nordic Bonze age we’ve been honouring and worshiping the life giving sun.
In such a times as this when our trust for governmental rule and leaders are virtually erased, we are (through our blood memory) being reminded of our ancestors respect, dependency and awe of our land, gods and cosmos. we shall worship our life giving sun and give credence to our pantheon of gods we shall be taught that of the old ways. Again shall we awaken the Indo -European soul, with a new vision to guard our own traditions, culture and blood.