With her upcoming 16 Ep recently released Simone and Edo sit with Selina For a second time to see where she had grown to at that point in her career and deep dive on what it looks like to be a musician working today!
Selina Insta: https://instagram.com/selinaraii?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk=
Simone The, Waterbearer Insta: https://instagram.com/taiyah_simone?igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc=
King E.D.O Insta: https://instagram.com/king_e.d.o?igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc=
Numz Podcast Network: https://www.thenumberzpodcasts.com/
Numberz Website: https://www.thenumberz.fm/