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By Craig Tone, Curtis McKoy, Kenny McKoy
The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.
Why make another Superman when you can put work into another Icon. How much money do the local police need? It's probably not as much as they are getting. Today we sit back and discuss the topics of highlighting race swapped characters when perfectly usable characters are being ignored, and what actually needs to happen when the police are looking to cut the budget after some recent risky business practices. Come join us, and let's have ourselves a little NorthKaKChat!
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Sometimes our hobbies offer the opportunity to get out and connect with the like-minded. Other times it ends up showing us the interesting things in life. How can RC cars help us connect, and why are used video games bringing back memories of confusing times? Take a seat, and let's have ourselves a little NorthKaKChat!
Listen to our all our podcasts on any of your favorite podcasting sites and applications:
News around town is that Charlotte doesn't want those donations you make to the homeless to go to waste; but how do they plan to "fix" the situation? Let's talk about it and explore some other topics going down in the Queen City. Take a seat and let's have ourselves a little NorthKaKChat!
Listen to our all our podcasts on any of your favorite podcasting sites and applications:
News around town is that Charlotte doesn't want those donations you make to the homeless to go to waste; but how do they plan to "fix" the situation? Let's talk about it and explore some other topics going down in the Queen City. Take a seat and let's have ourselves a little NorthKaKChat!
Listen to our all our podcasts on any of your favorite podcasting sites and applications:
------Cast Info-------
Curtis McKoy- The Glue
Kenny McKoy- The Hitman
Craig Tone- The Charmer
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How do you typically release your pent up energy? Kenny's gotten into gardening and shares some of the things he's learned along the way. Gun control or people control? We'll see what recent talks about gun violence get it wrong. Are kids in your future? America seems to be stepping back from that portion of the "American Dream." Lets take a closer look at the declining birthrates, and more on this episode of NorthKaKChat!
Being a young entrepreneur is getting harder these days. Gone are the days of earning easy money on the side for young Americans. Let's walk through this whole HEK Issue, and try to get to the bottom why it's in our food. Hitting the Hulu to find something to watch? Let's talk about it. Join us by the water cooler and let's get to talking with some NorthKaKChat!
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Often times you hear the "Go to College and get and education" shtick, but is it really the path we should be taking now days? All those classes you took that turned out to lack in usefulness to you. Why can't we take care of ourselves? "Ignorance is bliss," or so they say. Come on in and take a seat while we navigate these troubled waters and see if we can find the answers on NorthKaKChat!
Learning new things has never been harder. Not from the lack of trying, but from the shear amount of things to learn. Not only do we find ourselves thinking a million miles per minute about "self," the world also has plenty of topics to keep us busy. be it liberty, justice, or just living the dream. Come join us for the a little NorthKakChat!
We're back and excited to take you into the next season. What antics will come next? Who knows, but lets get things kicked into gear by talking about the entertainment industry not understanding the customers anymore, the lows we feel while the isolation is getting more relaxed, and Just how do we connect with the youth of today. Come join us for the a little NorthKakChat.
The podcast currently has 9 episodes available.