We finally made it to episode 100! (sort of, I'm assuming that all of the non-numbered episodes make up for the lack of episode 87 [I don't know how that one ended up as just silence, punctuated by transition songs, but anyone who listens to all of episode 87 is the truest of giga-fans]). This is actually the last time Jake, Bryce, Matt, and Caleb will record a Not Scholars episode. We've all got missions and college and stuff and we'll be taking a break from podcasting (maybe not forever, we'll see... but this is definitely the end of our Not Scholars run). Thanks to everyone who listened, extra thanks to those who listened just to support us even if they didn't enjoy it (I'm sure those people exist). It's been a party recording this and if anyone has enjoyed it, we're glad that we were able to brighten your days a little bit.