On Thursday, June 18th, SC&H Group hosted a virtual event to allow nonprofits to hear from industry leaders who have taken the challenges experienced to date and pivoted to find ways to turn them into opportunities to reach a larger audience, collaborate with peers and likeminded organizations in need, and generate new creative ways to drive fundraising dollars in support of moving their missions forward.
Moderator: Jen Presswood, Marketing Manager, SC&H Group
Brock Yetso, CEO, Ulman Foundation
Kate Burgin, Deputy Director for Engagement & Strategic Initiatives, Walters Art Museum
Jeffrey Breslin, President & CEO, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Baltimore
No strangers to thinking outside the box, many nonprofits rising to meet the challenges of this pandemic have found thinking creatively and innovatively, with a fluid approach, can lead to even greater opportunities.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about upcoming virtual events for nonprofits please Contact Us.