In this installment of the Next Big Thing series, we would like to introduce you to CLINE. The group is comprised of the siblings Darrick, Garrett, and Jacquelyn Cline. Garrett and Darrick are brothers, Jacquelyn is Garrett's wife and I'm sure they would all say she's there to make them sound and look good.
While they are relatively new to the CCM and worship space, they are no strangers to the music industry. Jacquelyn has been in and out of studios, and Garrett and Darrick have been in the mainstream Country space as a part of Dylan Scott's band for almost a decade. The Cline's share their experience of being Christians in music and how they keep their faith strong in a mainstream band. They also share about listening to the assignments God gives you to share his word, whether it's staying home with kids, serving in your church, or on the road in a bar.
The Cline's also share their journey in CCM to this point and how working with others and co-writing has been the key to finding their identity.