Sharks are the white blood cells of the ocean; a sign of health and abundance, but sharks are in peril. In the last decade we have decimated shark populations and the demand for shark fin soup has taken its toll.
Currently in the state of Florida there is powerful legislation rallying support from conservationist, activists, ocean lovers, and eco tourism business's that could ban the importation of shark fins. Make your voice be heard by listening to this episode and visiting the links below.
We also talk about the new regulations for onshore shark fishing in Florida, and how YOU can participate in ensuring they are respected.
Miami Is The Nation's Top Importer Of Shark Fins
Shark Fin's Are Banned In 12 US States
Understanding Shark Finning
New Report Finds Shark-Related Diving Generated Over $221 Million for Florida in 2016
Shark Allies: Shark Fin Trade Bans
Stop The Fin Trade: SIGN HERE
Why Should Shark Fins Be Banned In The US
Thank you for listening, click here to read this episode's blog post.
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