All across the East of England, there are small cemeteries with completely new material culture. it looks like it's from North-West Europe and represents the arrival, so well documented, of the Anglo-Saxon people.
In this episode, we introduce the main debates about how and why the Anglo-Saxons started coming to England. It's a bit of a throwback to our Birdoswald episode, but with more theory, more detail and some new ideas from me!
Plus, there's a promise of bonus episodes for those that sign up to Patreon!
Sources below.
Next episode: The Life of an Anglo-Saxon
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Gildas' On The Ruin of Britain
Squires, K. E. (2016). Neighbours and networks: funerary trends among cremation practicing groups in early medieval England and north-western Europe. In I. Riddler, J. Soulat, & L. Keys (Eds.), The evidence of material culture: studies in honour of Professor Vera Evison (pp. 119-138). Autun: Editions Mergoil.
Hills, C., & Lucy, S. (2019). Spong Hill and the Anglo-Saxon migration to England. Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, 9, 239-248.
Hills, C. (1998). Did the people of Spong Hill come from Schleswig-Holstein? In (Vol. 11, pp. 145-154).
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