Most people have bigger goals in mind than just surviving when they retire. For those folks, retirement is about more than just financial security, it’s about service. Service to their family, or their church, or their local non-profit of choice. Retirement becomes an opportunity to be more generous with their time, money and resources. These are the people that I find are most fulfilled in retirement. They have a driving purpose. I’ve been very fortunate in my career to work with people like this. And what I’ve found is that there is nothing more fulfilling in my business than helping people utilize their resources to be even more generous. And not only that, but to do so in a tax efficient manner. As it turns out the tax code, even with all of the recent changes, still rewards the charitably inclined. So, if you find yourself in the group of financially independent, with a generous disposition, or you aspire to be in this group one day, keep listening. This podcast may be just for you.