The 2024 Old Mutual Thought Leaders Forum took a deep look into retirement outcomes and their current state locally and internationally.
In this MINDSPACE Soundbite, we recap some of the highlights of the event and the top insights from local and international guests on the world of retirement, but also beyond:
How are South Africa’s retirement funds doing, and how can we improve the industry?
What’s going on in the world of work, what do modern employees really want, and how can today’s leaders captain their organisations into the future?
Listen and learn in this episode of MINDSPACE Soundbite.
If you’d like more insights from the speakers who presented at the forum, register and read the 2024 special edition of the MiNDSPACE publication:
This MINDSPACE Soundbite is inspired by the September edition of our MINDSPACE newsletter. If you’d like to subscribe, contact us at [email protected] or visit the Old Mutual Corporate Resource Hub at