With a record high of child hospitalizations due to Covid-19 it’s important we know what’s going on and how to stay safe. Listen in and learn the latest stats and how you can keep your children on the positive side of them. On the flip side, we have my good friend, filmmaker Kaylon Hunt in the house! He’s here to talk about his journey into the film industry, his advice for other artists, and where he sees the industry going. Dive into the episode and let’s start learning.
Kaylon Hunt is an award-winning filmmaker and actor born and raised in Port Arthur, Texas. His work has been featured in national media outlets and publications including IndieWire and Variety Magazine, which deemed him “One to Watch” in their Hollywood New Leaders issue. His short film, The Brink, also found acclaim among festival audiences and critics and is being developed into a feature film. He is an avid fan of technology and art, and finding innovative ways to blend the two together. He currently serves as VP of JuVee Productions, where he helps manage the overall content slate
[00:01 – 06:37] Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Kids
Today’s HPI: Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Kids- Check out my video on wearing a mask properly
Record high of 1,900 children over the weekendCitations from the Family Practice News - 12% of children hospitalized - ⅓ required ICU admission
Today’s guest - Kaylon Hunt[06:38 – 20:03] Going into the Film Industry
- What made Kaylon want to go into the industry
The film school journey - what to expect Life after graduation finding work and a focusHow Kaylon gets into his creative processThe experience trying to get a role[20:04 – 36:04] Kaylon’s Work
- Kaylon shares his period of greatest growth as an artist
Building a network and community Kaylon goes deeper into the role he played in Camp LoganWorking with JuVee ProductionsOther projects that Kaylon has worked on [36:05 – 51:36] The Future of Film
- Kaylon shares what’s happening in virtual reality
Keeping your sense of creativity in the processWorking with the head of JuVee Viola Davis The mission behind Kaylon’s work How being a person of color effects the processKaylon’s final advice for artists[51:37 – 54:29] Closing Segment
- Final facts on Covid-19 child hospitalizations
Take a snapshot of this episode and slide into my DM’sFinals words “Everyone is figuring it out, there’s nothing that you’re born with that says you can do this or that… It’s just about having a passion and vision for things and working towards it and developing yourself.” - Kaylon Hunt
“Trying to find ways to bring stories to the audience that haven’t been done before… Leaning on the actual experience and the story rather than doing a gimmick.” - Kaylon Hunt
“We always want to make bold, creative choices and not just, ‘oh what’s popular right now?’” - Kaylon Hunt
- How to properly wear your mask
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/children-hospitalized-with-covid-19-us-hits-record-number-2021-08-14/ Crist, Carolyn. “Covid-19 Twelve Percent of Diagnosed Children End up Hospitalized.” Family Practice News, vol. 51, no. 5, May 2021, pp. 1,12.JuVee InstagramWant to connect with Stefan? You can find him on Instagram. Don’t forget to show some love and check out https://www.kaylonhunt.com/ and keep up to date with Kaylon’s work.
To know more, you can connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Also, visit my website https://hinesentertainment.com/ or email me at [email protected]
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