Welcome back for Season 2 of On The Spot With Sam!
In Season 1, I shared with you the tools and tips to get you started on your public speaking journey. In this new season, I'm going to be interviewing some incredible women who have delved into the public speaking world and they’re going to share some inspiring and relatable stories with you, pulling expertise out of their own experiences to help you along your own public speaking journey.
In this episode, I'm speaking with Joyce Oyedele: Author, Mentor and Motivational Speaker. We reflect on our experiences of our proudest moments in public speaking and how we succeeded despite having unfounded self-limiting beliefs about ourselves. Furthermore, Joyce shares her wisdom with us; how she takes *her* time when it's her opportunity to speak, how she speaks with simplicity to communicate in an impactful way and she shares with us how pursuing your goals isn't all about you, but the people you influence.
To purchase Joyce's book, you can either purchase it on her website where you can get a signed copy, or you can purchase it on Amazon. Links below:
- https://www.joyceoyedele.com/
- https://www.amazon.co.uk/DIAMOND-STEPS-SUCCESS-REACH-GOALS-ebook/dp/B07W7CCHY2
As in every episode, there is a challenge on offer for you. Public speaking is all about practice, so I encourage you to take on these challenges and share your answers and experiences within the Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/onthespotcommunity/
Want regular tips and advice on the go? Head over to my Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/__on_the_spot__/