Scope creep: we've all experienced it. You sign on to a client's project and, by the end of the gig, you've done twice as much work as you agreed to - all for the same price! One little favour is part of being flexible and keeping clients happy, but how do you handle the situation when one "Can you just...?" turns into 10?
In this episode, I'm giving you the low-down on scope creep: why it happens, how to put the brakes on it if it's happening now, and how to stop it happening again. I outline four options you can pick from that will get you out of the situation and on to better paid, more satisfying and less stressful projects in future.
Tune in now for the latest 15 minutes of waffle wisdom, and come and let me know what you think once you've had a listen :)
Show Notes
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MARs and added value: how to set your freelance writing fees
Extra resource: How much to charge for copywriting a website