Nowadays, Apple's App Store is in the news almost daily. But as you just heard in the audio clip, App Store has been in the making for the last four decades. In many ways, Apple have changed the way we use our handphones through their execution of App Store (and app distribution).
With Epic, Spotify and many goverments suing Apple for their practises with App Store, it's easy to assume that Apple is the villain.
Well, the truth is way complicated that that. Initially, when we discussed this topic, we ended up with a really long episode. It was around 6 hours. So, we decided to break it down to four episodes. These episodes will be released daily starting today.
Each episode can function as a stand alone episode and as a part of a series we call The App Store Saga.
We understand that most of these episodes can be dense with information and pointers that you won't see in many articles online. That is our goal.
Through out this series, we will go through the history of Apple's app store; How much work they have done to make it the most user friendly and the most profitable distributional channel for big and indie developers around the world.
We will look at the history of Epic and Unreal Engine as a company. Then we will also look at the anti trust laws and why goverments around the world are investigating apple's practices. Lastly, I will present my argument on this whole scenario.
Of course, all of this will be done from multiple point of views and my goal here is to show all the listeners the different sides of the same story.
Honestly, I think this isthe biggest case study for business owner who would like to create their own developer community for their products.
You will learn how to built one, what are the things you need to look out for and how to fight the big machine if you are the smaller player in the market.
Do not listen to all of these episodes in one go as it can overwhelm you. Take some time and let your brain capture the information within the episodes. As usual, if you have further questions and your own opinions, you are welcomed to email us. We will read and answer them through our bonus episodes.
With that said, I am excited to share all these stories, lessons and knowledge with all of you. Talk to yall soon.