Imagine four waves of legal technology improvement for legal operations. The first, back in the 90s, came from matter management when legal departments started using technology. The second, which blossomed in the early 2000s, focused on electronic invoicing and spend management and addressed the economics of legal matters. The third wave began to crest around 2010, with the introduction of workflow and process management.
Now, legal departments are on the fourth wave of transformation. This time, it’s actionable intelligence and using data to its fullest extent to enhance legal operations.
This fourth wave is what Eric M. Elfman, CEO and co-founder of Onit, and Raj Goyle, CEO of Bodhala, have come together to discuss in this podcast. Onit’s acquisition of Bodhala means creating the most complete enterprise legal management solution in the market – one that relies on benchmarking, market intelligence and legal analytics. The two discuss the acquisition, what actionable intelligence means to them and why it’s the next revolution for legal operations evolution.
Show links:
Eric M. Elfman on LinkedIn –
Raj Goyle on LinkedIn -
Press release -
Bodhala website –
Onit Enterprise Legal Management –
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