Kay Somji is an entrepreneur from London UK, who currently res
ides in Calgary, Canada.
Although a full time entrepreneur, Kay holds bachelor’s degrees in Actuarial Science and Statistics. Coming from a family of business owners, the corporate employee role never suited him.
Having been successful in other ventures and direct sales positions, network marketing was different, and although Kay built a team, he struggled to maintain and build upon the organization.
He then stumbled upon Magnetic Sponsoring and that changed the course of his business forever. Leveraging the internet, coupled with attracting people, instead of chasing them, Kay has been able to create a full time income for himself, and become well recognized in the industry, most notably for his blogging and video style. Kay routinely travels 3-4 months of the year and focuses on building his business around his lifestyle.
Some of his accolades include being ranked number 9 of the top 32 network marketing bloggers in 2016, hitting the rank of L4 in the MLSP community, being selected to be a certified coach, and helping others achieve similar success.
Kay’s driving focus comes from the desire to empower others to live the life they truly deserve and to play by their own rules.
This weeks online playmaker Kay Somji