*Note* there are occasional audio flaws due to internet connectivity issues.
Hannah explores the contexts and intentions she has with microdosing entheogenic plants/fungi such as psilocybin mushrooms and how this connects to addressing numerous kinds of anxiety. We explicitly connect this topic to the role of self-healing and psycho-spiritual practices such as meditation. We expand on the idea of "boundary/barrier dissolving" - dissolving one's own mental barriers that create distance or deflection *within* oneself, as well as those emotional boundaries that keep us walled from others in our external environment.
We both discuss those personal aspects of our experience that lead to anxiety, regret, depression. . .What other societal barriers affect openness, empathy, connectivity? Is a feeling of numbness a new default mode? Related to these struggles, to what degree can working with entheogens be psycho-spiritually therapeutic and purifying?