On Saturday, June 19, 2021 something very special is going to happen. For the first time, a perfect trifecta of OWASP chapters in the Pacific Northwest are getting together to host a virtual conference focused on serious application security. It's called the Pacific Northwest Application Security Conference (PNWSEC). The chapters hosting this fine event are from the beautiful, breathtaking Canadian cities of Vancouver and Victoria B.C. and to the south in the States, Portland, Oregon. Our guests today are Farshad Abasi and Roberto Salgado along with our host David Quisenberry, each a leader of the same OWASP chapters respectively.
Tickets are going fast so hurry. Also if you want give a talk, including those short lighting ones, or even volunteer, it's still not too late. Go to pnwcon.com for details also check out this podcast's RSS feed for additional information regarding the conference and our guests.
- https://pnwcon.com
- https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/first-annual-pacific-northwest-appsec-conference-tickets-155757566073 (buy tickets)
- @pnwseccon
- [email protected] (contact)
Vancouver, B.C. OWASP Chapter
- https://owasp.org/www-chapter-vancouver/
- https://twitter.com/owaspvancouver
Victoria, B.C. OWASP Chapter
- https://owasp.org/www-chapter-victoria/
- https://twitter.com/owaspvictoria
Farshad Abasi (Vancouver, B.C.)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/farshadabasi/
- Forward Security Inc.
- @farshadabasi
Roberto Salgado (Victoria, B.C.)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberto-salgado/
- Websec Canada
- @lightos
David Quisenberry (Portland, Oregon)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmquisenberry/
- https://zapproved.com/
- @QuizSec
Farshad Abasi and Roberto Salgado are interviewed by David Quisenberry and John L. Whiteman.
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