If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that change is inevitable in every aspect of our lives. This couldn’t be more apparent than what we experienced in education and the evolution and mainstreaming of virtual learning this year.
We put together a culmination of some of the most powerful conversations, insightful projections for the future, and what educators believe will stick moving forward now and well after the pandemic wanes. What opportunities are you discovering as a result of this unique time in life and in education?
In this episode, we take a look back at all of the many leaders, students and educators who shared their insights, nuggets of wisdom and projections for the future of learning with us throughout the past year. We want to go back and consider what these leaders anticipate will stick with us long after the pandemic is over.
Lisa Rowbotham, the Secondary ELA Supervisor for Passaic Public Schools in New Jersey, Carl Hooker, Thomas Vacanti, the Online Learning Coordinator for the City School District of Albany, Kerrie Torres, Assistant Superintendent from Brea Olinda Unified School District, Kimberly Smith, the new executive director of the new Center for Inclusive Innovation from Digital Promise, Sean Slade, the Senior Director of Global Outreach at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), James Butler from Tucson Unified School District, and Nicola Peck an Apex Learning student, all share their insights and perspectives with us in this episode.