Space whales & bananas abound in this special Memorial Day episode of Opposites Unpacked! Join us as we dig into our BIGGEST fears and phobias. We also chat about what we were up to last week, ask a weird question about Mars, and look forward to reading something positive.
Love always and all ways,
Kaity & Chad
Check out “A Playlist for the World” on Spotify here (
In this Episode:
Recapping our Week (03:27)
Moment of Love (5:25)
Main Topic: Our Biggest Fears (10:01)
Here’s a weird question: Would you want to be the first couple on Mars? (40:32)
K-Sauce Like a Boss: Read something positive (43:56)
Have a topic idea or need advice? Send your suggestions or questions to [email protected] and we may discuss in an upcoming episode!
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Show notes/links:
Chapman University Study on Americans Biggest Fears
Five Biggest Relationship Fears