In this episode of Oracle Unfiltered, we dive deep into the seen & unseen strategies of getting out of your own way and allowing Abundance into your world.
Illuminate what abundance means to you, allowing you to define your personal vision of prosperity.
Delve into what you already have an abundance of and pinpoint why certain areas of your life feel effortless, while others, like consistent financial abundance, might seem elusive.
Understand the tangible sensations of abundance within your own body and reflect on the last time you experienced it, offering insight into unlocking more.
Explore the stories and shadows that keep you tethered to scarcity, and how letting go can transform your life.
Imagine your business as a boutique hidden away. let's find where abundance is getting stuck. Are there visibility issues, signage problems, landscape obstacles, or challenges with foot traffic, inventory, or customer retention? Just as in a physical boutique, your online business may face similar challenges in messaging, content, storytelling, emails, clarity, pricing, branding, and mindset.We also reveal the Seen Strategy that examines your business's path to abundance:Discover how to clear the path to abundance, both in your life and your business, on this illuminating episode of Oracle Unfiltered.
Nathaly (nat-ah-lee) is an Oracle CEO & Hypnotist with 10 years of client experience.
Before moving to the online space, she had been featured on ABC & CBS working with high profile leaders in Washington DC as their Reiki Master Teacher & Hypnotist.
Over the last 6+ years Nathaly has been the Go-To Oracle & Hypnotist for VIP Coaches & Millionaire Masterminds, whom she has helped scale from $10k-100k months and counting.
Nathaly is the is the creator of the Granja Vortex Method, a certification program blending energy work and subconscious reprogramming. Today she works with New Paradigm Leaders (coaches, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and healers) by guiding their shadow, psychic gifts & business strategy to a new state of being...their Most Abundant Timeline™