Roberto Ordaz shares his perspectives on Finance, Technology, Investments, Attention and Personal Growth.... more
March 06, 2018Mi primer cliente de AlexaClientes de Podcasts se suben al barco de Alexa!!...more2minPlay
March 01, 2018Alexa WaveOpportunity for startups than want to get early on the audio wave!!...more2minPlay
February 24, 2018Alexa surprises me even more!!!Alexa va a cambiar la manera en la consumimos servicios y hacemos nuestras vidas!!...more2minPlay
February 23, 2018Alexa and voiceThe voice revolution is coming!! Take advantage of it !!!...more2minPlay
February 23, 2018Bitcoin Pie is What ??How big is Bitcoin in relation to other cryptos and why that matters !!...more5minPlay
February 11, 2018Sigues comprando acciones o compras cryptoInvertir en acciones es un tema de especialización y saber lo que estás haciendo ( o al menos s ......more5minPlay