Back in 2018, Garris almost joined ranks with the menace-making Originateve certified mentors set to stir up the right kind of trouble at the brand new MasterTree kindergarten in Shishi, China. His journey, however, would take him into a deep dive into the ESL world where he, thankfully, hit a great wall of sorts in 2021 when president Xi Jinping said, "enough is enough" and shut down, almost over night, all of the ESL-scammy nonsense that was eating up the hard-won RMBs of the chinese middle and upper classes.
In this special edition of the Origins podcast, Garris begins to hash out what it means to move away from a mere job in the danky sewer tanks of the ESL industry abroad, in order to consider a passionate calling towards learning how to play and provide excellent care as an early childhood educator in Kunming, China.