Different topics about this world we live in. Helping you to discover things about yourself and the society around you.... more
FAQs about Otti's talks:How many episodes does Otti's talks have?The podcast currently has 22 episodes available.
February 02, 2020Challenge yourselfAre you happy with where you are? I challenge you to think of different options...more3minPlay
January 11, 2020CrossroadsThere are many roads and options to take in life. Which is the right way?...more2minPlay
December 12, 2019Coping in work and avoiding stressWork life is hard and demands a lot. Think of ways that it could be a bit easier for you....more2minPlay
November 04, 2019Being by yourselfMany people are single and live alone. Being alone is not something bad at all....more2minPlay
October 24, 2019Live now, not tomorrowLife is now. Live in the moment. Do the things you love and enjoy....more4minPlay
FAQs about Otti's talks:How many episodes does Otti's talks have?The podcast currently has 22 episodes available.