Sindyha Atturu of OK is your host today and we'll hear from Riley Potter of VA as she talks with MN State Director Orville Lindquist and Kaylynne Keyrouze of PA to find out if it even matters if you're YIG or YAG. We'll also hear from WA's Ann Duan who interviewed YUSA's Derek Summerville and Devontae Lacasse about how you can take your YAG/YIG/CONA experience into your community to create a better world.
We've loved serving the conference this year and want to thank you for listening! As always, remember to head over to our website at and click the media tab to look at our fabulous blog, read our amazing articles, witness some crazy good graphics, catch our mind boggling videos, and of course never miss an episode of the Blue Ridge Journal’s official podcast, Our Voices - Amplified. Thank you so much for listening and keep raising those voices CONA delegates!