Scratch and Bite Outcast.4.
G’day Ear, Eye, and mind probers.
It’s going to be a bit noisy this time round!
I am indulging myself a bit with my favourite area of the sonic spectrum.
The raw, louder, harder, faster end of the scale.
Also to celebrate the wonders of APEC being held in Sydney at the moment, it is just a bit politically biased.
16 million for security at APEC and you get OutCast at APEC for zero
Next episode will step into more diverse arenas, however politics have dictated a tougher response this time.
Don’t forget to send me your mp3’s, images and words, or refer me to your favourite artists or writers at
[email protected]
[email protected]
Or visit
Here we go into fray
Fresh out of Zen Studios comes a track by a bunch of Sydney hardcore rock veterans.
Bands like Unclean, Downtime, Stanley knife, Sulkus, Blind Ambition, Tuti Parze, Major Addiction, form the past for these hard hitters.
Black Elvis “Lifetime of Humiliation”.
Black Elvis has left the building and are either at Graceland’s or
Now we take up the APEC theme in earnest with
Feral Dreams “Planet Dies”
Download free Feral Dreams at
Or find out more at
Brut 66 “Johnny”
Brut 66 are in the Tractor shed at
There is some great Aussie rock history scattered amongst the members of this outfit, check them out.
Space Circus “Lies”
Space Circus teleported to
Scary Clown “Hitler’s Alive”
Scary Clown sideshow playing at
Rear Axess “Pulling Governmental Strings”
Rear Axess were another incandescent spark that temporarily illuminated the planet, let me know if you want to here more.
Injured Head “Put Your Trust in America”
Injured Head
As you can see the political bites strongly in the world of noise.
I will try to let art express its political outrage in a future episode.
Images this time include band posters by:
Billy White
If you want to contribute to the feeding starving APEC leaders the most important thing to remember is.
Send your noise images and words to me so they can fill the tables of economic giant’s planet wide.
ReplicantZero “Heart Compressed”
Given are all souls’ truths
Exposed fragile heart and mind
Offered up was love deserved
Within darkest depths of pain
Undying flame of love remains
Heart compressed by life itself
Born again to seek the sun
Leave all love and pain behind
Soothe battered soul to self be kind
Coming soon will be contributions from Matt of Demo Gate Drive fame, featuring some of Australia’s groundbreaking acts, more illusions, images, and fresh words and political skulduggery.
SeezYa then.