Francesca Fiorentini – Being with The Earth
Aired Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you noticed how much more peaceful everything is right now?
How much brighter the colors of spring are or fall, depending on where you are in the world, but also how much quieter things are?
Do you notice how much more you’re being with the earth?
Would you like to know how to be with the earth, even more?
Even when things begin to pick back up again?
What if there’s a whole new way of being, and contributing to the Earth that then contributes to us, naturally?
Would you choose it?
Listen to Francesca Fiorentini and I here as we talk about Being With The Earth!
On Wednesday, April 29 at 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern & Thursday April 30 at 6am AEST!
Francesca Fiorentini is a life and wealth coach, business mentor, seasoned entrepreneur, facilitator of joyful possibility, and mother of an amazing daughter. Francesca was born and raised in Italy, and gained early and extensive entrepreneurial experience as part of the family hotel business. Eventually, her business acumen and her love of art and beauty compelled her to launch several enterprises of her own, including a range of antique stores, a fashion boutique, a costume jewellery business, and a tourist apartment business in Venice.
Throughout her years in hospitality and business, Francesca gained a sincere appreciation for cultural diversity, inner and outer beauty, and the healing power of kindness and truthfulness – concepts that continue to underpin her work, today. She is renowned for her ability to facilitate powerful change in her clients and class attendees through her unique balance of non-judgemental invitation, honesty, and clarity of communication.
Drawing on her experience as a savvy business leader and events professional, Francesca is currently the Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness®. She is also a certified facilitator or practitioner of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Joy of Business (advanced facilitator), Put the Fun Back into Business, Access Body Process, and the Access Bars.
In her work as a life coach, business mentor, and change-maker, Francesca brings a wealth of personal experience in many of life’s greatest challenges, including psychological and financial abuse, unhealthy beliefs around money, a misdirected search for solutions, and the silencing of one’s own ‘knowing’. She is committed to creating more joy, fun, beauty, and elegance in others’ daily experiences, and strives to help people become the leader of their own lives.
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#FrancescaFiorentini #BeingWithTheEarth #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg