OUTthink is a podcast that talks about issues that affect LGBTQIA+ mental health.
This episode, we chat with Craig Mack who is a speaker and ambassador for 'R U Ok?' Day and an advocate for mental health within the LGBT community. In this episode, we talk about the importance of asking your family, friends and loved ones if they're ok every day and not just on 'R U Ok?' Day in September.
For more information on Craig, visit his website at https://craigontoast.com/ and for more information on 'R U Ok?' Day, check out their website here: https://www.ruok.org.au/.
For more information on Lawrence Akers, OUTthink and Release Hypnosis, go to www.releasehypnosis.com.au. To stay up to date with the latest OUTthink news, follow OUTthink on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outthinkpodcast or check out our website at http://releasehypnosis.com.au/outthinkpodcast/