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The OSBPG is a registered Charity - 1190469 (England & Wales) SC052662 (Scotland), Tune in for News, Information, Support and more from the Oxford Sandy Black Pig Group Foundation Charity... more
FAQs about Oxford Sandy Black Pig Group PigCast:How many episodes does Oxford Sandy Black Pig Group PigCast have?The podcast currently has 38 episodes available.
January 23, 2021New Year, New Season (S3E1)New year, a new season, we kick off with a replay of the OSPBG host eaml2/pig hub chat with Nicola Gumery, plus there's news on other events coming up, GSA change and a newsletter...more1h 11minPlay
October 27, 2020That's No Truffle Mrs Piggie (S2E10)In this episode we interview Zoe Owens (nee Kiss-Chinman) who's OSB's unearthed a world war IIo bomb, Zoe tells Kim how the event unfolded and the attention it drew from the village. Plus there's news on upcoming events and Halloween competition...more13minPlay
October 12, 2020eAML2 and AHDB an Interview with Nicola Gummery (S2E9)Kim brook speaks with Nicola Gummery (AHDB) who with her team manage the eAML2 systems including pig hub, medicine book online etc. ...more36minPlay
September 14, 2020Genetic Spread Allowance (S2E8)The OSBPG Charity announces and provides details on its new Genetic Spread Allowance (GSA) Program. The GSA is a financial allowance to be awarded to the Oxford Sandy and Black Pig Group charity supporters to encourage the geographical spread and genetic selection of the OSB bloodlines within the UK*. *Application required the application does not guarantee the award....more11minPlay
September 07, 2020An Interview with Catriona Cook (S2E7)We are privileged in this episode to have an exclusive interview with Catriona Cook which was recorded by her daughter Tessa. Catriona's' history with the OSB dates back to the breed revival in the ’80s...more20minPlay
August 03, 2020A to the I Piggies (S2E6)Some big news for our group and an "Exclusive" interview from Nigel Overend of Deer Park AI...more12minPlay
June 27, 2020Farrowing Times (S2E5)News on our 10 Year Birthday celebration and Kim Brook talks to us about Farrowings....more23minPlay
May 18, 2020From Wicklow with Pigs (S2E4)In this episode, we hear from Dermot Allen in Ireland and his life with the wonderful OSB....more11minPlay
April 26, 2020A Vet in the Farrowing Pen (S2E3)In this edition, we hear from specialist Pig vet Louise Blenkhorn who talks to us about Farrowing, Covid-19 and African Swine Fever (ASF)...more13minPlay
March 07, 2020There's an OSB in my Kitchen (S2E2)In this episode we talk to Bod Griffiths and his adventure with OSB'd in his cookery school plus there is some exciting news from the group....more12minPlay
FAQs about Oxford Sandy Black Pig Group PigCast:How many episodes does Oxford Sandy Black Pig Group PigCast have?The podcast currently has 38 episodes available.