Because the psalmist was convinced that there was security in trusting in God, he encouraged himself that he would be delivered from the various attacks of the wicked. He knew that the Lord had appointed His angels over him to protect him. The key to releasing the promises found in this passage is located in verses 9 and 10. When a believer makes the Lord God his refuge, his hiding place by trusting Him, he enters into a sheltered place of promise. The words of this psalm should be spoken over your life on a daily basis. It will build assurance that, no matter what you face, the Lord can be trusted as a safe dwelling place. We must find ourselves resting in Him and set our love on Him (v. 14). He promises to be with us and deliver us.
Memory verse: 9-10 – Because you have made the Lord, Who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;