The Healthy Rebellion Radio

Paleo Diet Heart Disease, Gout, BJJ and CrossFit | THRR069

03.19.2021 - By Robb WolfPlay

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Is It Possible To Have Increased Plaque Build Up On A Paleo Diet, Too Little or Too Much Salt,  BJJ and Crossfit, 7 Day Carb Test Question, Gout / Uric Acid Levels in Blood Make your health an act of rebellion. Join The Healthy Rebellion Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here Show Notes: News topic du jour: Fructose- and sucrose- but not glucose-sweetened beverages promote hepatic de novo lipogenesis: A randomized controlled trial Regular consumption of both fructose and sucrose sweetened beverages in moderate doses associated with stable caloric intake increases hepatic FA synthesis even in a basal state, whereas this effect is not observed after consumption of glucose. These findings support the hypothesis of an adaptative response of the liver to regular fructose exposure, i. e. habitual SSB consumption. 1. Is It Possible To Have Increased Plaque Build Up On A Paleo Diet??? [14:08] Stephanie says: Hello Robb and Nikki! Quick not so quick question... I was turned on to Paleo Solution book around 2011 and since then it’s been loaned out more time than I can count. It was a game changer for me, it allowed me to share information with clients and friends without the emotion I tend to get lost in. I’m 43, a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I’ve seen a functional medicine practitioner for about 7 years getting my regular labs drawn etc. They come back with rave reviews and it has everything to do with my nutrition. However... the newest practitioner I see has a nurse, she is the one who counsels on nutrition to the practitioners patients. I recently reached out to ask if a heart MRI would be proactive given my father just had a massive heart attack and a triple bypass surgery, he’s 73, and apparently the ultimate cause was an abnormality in the left ventricle. The nurse contacted me today to talk more in this. I was clear in saying I have no concern that I have build up as my blood work has consistently  been well above satisfactory, that it was more to look at the make up of the heart. She said “as long as your following a plant based diet you should be fine.” Wtf, I literally almost choked. I said I was far from that and had no intention as such. She alerted me on her plant based nutrition certification and that “all that meat I was eating, regardless of my blood work, I could still have too much plaque.” Y’all!!!!!! We exchanged some “thoughts” and she said I needed to be careful where I got my info from because of funding. Is she serious?!?! Sooo I’m feeling frustrated and defeated, I refer this person to my clients and now I’ve lost trust. I want to beable to solidly share relevant, information without getting emotionally heated in these situations. Any insights or thoughts on how handle this, when she’s telling me my eggs are causing plaque? Go to studies I can share? Love y’all so much. Thanks for being amazing, funny and thought provoking   2. Too Little or Too Much Salt? [22:41] Hannah says: Hi, I'm coming here because google is a soup of mis-information and I can't seem to get anywhere with it.  I'm 42 years old, 5'3", not overweight (+-133lbs.) and have been keto (very close to carnivore because I'm not a veggie eater) for just about three years.  For the last 10 months I've been intermittent fasting (18-20hrs/day) and have a "carb" day once a week, (with the exception of Thanksgiving-Christmas 2020.)  For the majority of that time, I've felt great.  Never have I had issues with keto-flu, I'm able to transition back with little issue.  Once I began fasting, even better.  And I've been a believer in the importance of supplementing with electrolytes.  I've been using LMNT for as long as I think its been on the market.  Typically one packet/day, sometimes two if a particularly strenuous day. Okay here is my current issue.  After the new year, I've been a little slow getting back in full swing of my keto and IF, but for the last 3 weeks, I'm back.  However, now, 4-6 times a week I have a headache that often begins in my sleep and will not seem to go away. Along with tylenol, I've increased my electrolytes thinking that was for sure the problem.  But it doesn't seem to knock it out like expected.  So, now I'm wondering if perhaps I've been getting too much sodium? In addition to the headache, several times in the last few weeks I've had a rapid heart rate and it feels like it is pounding out of my chest, out of no where, not exercise induced.  As as sit here typing, my head is throbbing and my heart is racing.  Headache is a bummer, but the heart is an actual concern. I'm tempted to up my sodium further (2 LMNT packets and 500mg salt capsules) per day.  But I'm just not sure. All of this leads to the question.  How to tell if you need to increase your electrolytes/sodium or to decrease your intake?  The symptoms on google seem to have overlap. Thanks for any help, Hannah   3. BJJ and Crossfit [3:15] Claus says: Dear Nicki and Robb, as you have a background and experience in both disciplines: As a beginner in both sports: Would you recommend pursuing BJJ and Crossfit at the same time? Are there any synergetic effects? If so, how would you structure a typical training week? (for example: 3x BJJ, 2xCrossfit ?). I'm 36 years old (155 lbs; 5.7). My training for the past 6 months has been calisthenics and running 4 miles 3x per week. Thanks for the work you do! Best, Claus   4. 7 Day Carb Test Question [40:01] Rob says: Hi Robb, I have a question that might sound stupid; and maybe there's a really obvious answer. When you do the 7 Day Carb Test how do you know that when you get good reading that you are not just failing to digest that carbohydrate and just pooping it out later on? And when you get a poor result (spiked blood sugar) that you are digesting all the carbs in the portion and hence experiencing higher blood sugar levels? My thought is, that based on your microbiota or some other factor you might be really good at breaking down potatoes but terrible at doing so with rice, leaving it undigested. I always wondered this about the whole (macro) weighing and measuring approach, if you weigh and measure your macro intake it's obviously a proxy for absorption but do you know if there's every been a study that has measured the macro content of participants poop as well as their food? Cheers for all the great content you put out there. -Rob M 5. Gout / Uric Acid Levels in Blood [44:05] Timo says: Trying to keep it short: A good friend of mine, just above 30yrs old and very dedicated to intense workouts, is now on prescription drugs against gout (apparently it’s in the gene  pool as his dad has gout aswell) and is told to eat as strictly vegetarian as possible and workout less intense, rather slow steady. Also, no Beer. Which is tough here in Germany ;) He has monitored his Uric acid levels closely (as mentioned before, very dedicated about health) and these seem to confirm the no meat approach. I cannot accept that (absolute believer in the importance of good meat for health) and would love to hear your input on that matter. Huge fan of your work, thank you for all you are doing, Cheers from Frankfurt, Timo Sponsor: The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT. Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don’t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes

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