Pastor Joshua Harris continues in our series "Back to the Basics" with a message titled, "Submission & Sacrifice".
Title: Submission & Sacrifice
A. Marks of a Life Surrendered to God
- A life that is counter-cultural and proof that the will of God is worth surrendering to. (v.2)
- A sober and supplemental view of self. (v.3)
- Harmony in relation to people and problems (vv. 4-21)
B. Methods to a Life Surrendered to God
- Praise God on the basis of what He's revealed about Himself to me.
- Confess my sin on the basis of what He's revealed about me by revealing Himself to me.
- Identify wrong behaviors, attitudes and emotions that exist in my life when I forget or reject God's truth
- Determine new actions that must become a part of my life in order to glorify God
Discover why God has revealed Himself and His truth to me in this way.