Have you ever considered what's really holding you back? You might be surprised to discover it's not typically the thing you thought it was. Sometimes life presents us with obstacles that we have to overcome and those are our external hindrances. However, the biggest enemy is often the "inner me" that simply means the reasons and lies we tell ourselves. How many times have you ever said, IAs a coach, here are some of the few common reasons used by clients:
I don't have enough money. ...
I don't have enough skill. ...
I don't have enough support. ...
I'm not clever enough. ...
I'm not experienced enough. ...
It's too risky. ... The truth is your decisions today are creating your future and everything we call reasons are mostly excuses. Don't confuse the two. Identify what's really holding you back and then do something about it! Tune in to today's podcast. Be sure to share it with a friend!