A pair of native brothers discussing everything fromparanormal experiences, aliens, bigfoot and all other unearthly and unknown.... more
FAQs about ParaNatives:How many episodes does ParaNatives have?The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.
March 09, 2022Episode #17. Conspiracy TheoriesThis is our first episode we uploaded to YouTube so go check out the video as well and subscribe. We talking about a few conspiracy theories....more1h 4minPlay
March 04, 2022Episode #16. Is Time Travel already happening?Talking about time travel and if we have time travelers among us already and if we have already solved the time travel equation....more1h 21minPlay
February 24, 2022Episode #15. VampiresWe talk alot about vampires and such this episode has alot of background with kids as this night they decided to be very involved with us on the episode....more55minPlay
February 16, 2022Episode #14. Missing 411Talking about the missing 411 and how crazy it is that these people have just disappeared without a trace....more43minPlay
February 11, 2022Episode #13. Quick little babble session.Babbling about some random shit....more1h 1minPlay
February 03, 2022Episode 12. What's really going on in Antarctica?We dive into some of the possible shit going on in Antarctica. Aliens, Government cover up or hallow earth who knows but we shall find out....more1h 9minPlay
December 14, 2021Episode #11, Giants are they still here or are they just a thing of the past.Starting off with giants as a species and then goes into a bit of babble about other stuff as well....more1h 14minPlay
November 29, 2021Episode #10. The Infamous Little PeopleTalking about the different little people or beings of the world....more1h 15minPlay
November 13, 2021Episode #9 Dogman, Werewolf or just a damn wolf!Talking about the Dogman and what it may possibly be and where it could possible reside....more1h 1minPlay
October 31, 2021Halloween SpecialTalking about Halloween traditions and our thoughts on where and how it came to be....more45minPlay
FAQs about ParaNatives:How many episodes does ParaNatives have?The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.