Ernestina Malheiro, M.A., Learning & Technology
Trauma-Informed Curriculum & Instructional Designer, Founder of Uplift Learning Inc.
Ernestina’s lived experience with resilience and trauma has inspired her vision of creating a kinder and more compassionate society that is Trauma-Informed. As a Curriculum and Instructional Designer, she’s had the privilege of working with dozens of subject matter experts. They’ve varied from elders, scientists, surgeons, storytellers, researchers, mental health professionals, nurses and refugees - just to name a few. Since 2018 she’s focused on mental health education after realizing the healthcare system was traumatic for patients and practitioners alike. She’s spent thousands of hours exploring trauma and resilience in her graduate research.
She’s strategized and implemented e-learning for organizations with 25,000 to 90,000 employees over the last 20 years. Her clients come from dozens of different specialties. Ernestina has developed and delivered training about anti-bullying, human rights, trauma-informed cultural competency, and trauma-informed care for educators, physicians, nurses and frontline staff.
Early on in her career she developed curriculum with survivors of genocide (Treaty 6,7,8, Rwanda and Bosnia). She’s delivered trauma education to staff and clients in an Indigenous focused treatment center. She’s supporting updated practice standards by teaching educators, health and wellness professionals about ‘Building Resilience Through Trauma-informed Practice’.