When things get stressful and challenging, what do you do? How do you relate to yourself? As parents, we are often our own worst critics, and can add to the stress by being judgemental about how we’ve handled things. If we’re feeling overwhelmed, like we’re not coping as well as other people, we may avoid doing things we need to do, use unhealthy coping strategies (like eating junk food or having a drink), and we may be more likely to ‘snap’ and take out our frustrations on others. So, how can we take care of ourselves to make sure this doesn’t happen?Today, parenting and family psychology expert and founder of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, Professor Matt Sanders, talks with clinical psychologist and compassion researcher, Dr James Kirby, about some helpful parenting tips for being mindful and compassionate during these challenging times, to help you be calm and consistent and available for your child.Professor Matt Sanders is ready to answer your questions on the Parenting in a Pandemic podcast. Record your questions on your smartphone voice memo app and email them to [email protected]. You can ask for advice, parenting tips or share concerns about your children's behaviour.To assist us in evaluating the helpfulness of the Parenting in a Pandemic podcast series, please visit https://pfsc.psychology.uq.edu.au/parentinginapandemic and follow the link to the research survey. The outcomes will be used to inform the development of future podcasts and improve the ways parenting support is provided to families.Resources: pfsc.psychology.uq.edu.au/parentinginapandemic