Trees are long-lived woody plants that provide so much to our communities and park settings. Proper tree maintenance and pruning in our landscapes can improve safety, reduce storm damage, prevent the spread of decay, and extend the life of the tree. Without an understanding of tree biology and proper pruning, trees are often severely damaged, leading to unsafe, decaying trees.
For this Shop Talk, we have invited an expert from Penn State University Extension to introduce us to the fundamentals of tree pruning. We will learn pruning theory, terminology, pruning cuts, and plant biological response. This session will focus on pruning objectives, timing, applying cuts, improving structure and safety, common pruning mistakes, important tools and techniques for working safely.
Learning objectives for this session are:
1. to gain an understanding of woody plant response to pruning/wound closure/sprouting/compartmentalization of decay.
2. to learn the 3 types of pruning cuts, how they are applied, and their impact.
3. to learn how tree structure can be improved through proper pruning.
4. to learn about tree pruning tools and safe use.