Be calm. How we handle our emotions has a ripple effect on everyone around us.
Whether you find your solace in a monthly session of Hot Tub Therapy, being outdoors, or creating something, it's vital to take that time outside of work to decompress and relieve our minds and emotional tanks from work stress. This self-care helps ensure that we're equipped with the mental and emotional capacity to maintain professional composure and make quality decisions AT work. Being calm in any given circumstance is a choice. It's much easier to remember that we have that choice when our emotional tank is full. This should be a priority because how we act (stress vs calm) at work has a major ripple effect on co-workers and patients around us.
When we find ourselves in the middle of stressful, chaotic, or frustrating bouts of the workday, remember that we can do things like;
be aware of the emotions we're experiencing so that we can feel them, own them, and more effectively move past them
play out the worst-case scenario (doing so will most often help us come back to reality, stop spiraling, and remember that almost everything in dentistry is fixable)
remember that very little in our line of work can be labeled as a TRUE emergency.
get a drink/ take a breather to give yourself a beat to reset your attitude/approach.
schedule time for your outlet outside of the workday aka HOT TUB THERAPY!