Disneyland For Designers

Partners | Welcome To Club1313

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Today's episode is a big one for so many different reasons. Today's Disneyland Story is about one of my all-time favorite Disneyland design details. It's my version of telling the story of the Partners statue. And also, to celebrate this being the 1,313 podcasts that the AID Network has produced, it's time to throw a little party. 

Starting today, if you would like to support the Disneyland For Designers podcast and the Adventures In Design YouTube channels Disneyland content, you can join https://www.club1313.com/ as a way to keep the content going and our fun community growing. So much more than a Patreon Club1313 is a unique new fan community to make great community-driven content. 

The Club Opens Today At 13:13 PST

I can't wait to hang out with you at https://www.club1313.com/

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Disneyland For DesignersBy AID Network

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