How to Start with Friends and Family
Text everyone in your phone.
Email everyone in your inbox with a personal message letting them know about your business.
Post on your own Facebook page.
Call close friends and let them know what you’re up to.
Invite a group of friends to coffee and ask them to share your story. (If you trust this group of friends you can ask them for feedback on what you’re doing. If you do not trust their business sense then do not let their opinions change your passion for planning.)
Give business cards to your friends that they can pass out.
Offer to do a free event for your friends and family in exchange for a Yelp review, photo shoot and testimonial.
Ask friends to share your website on their Facebook page.You can also tell former bosses, past business acquaintances and former co-workers. There are ways to communicate these messages to them without being overly salesy. Trust me when I say they all want to hear about your new adventure. Once you reach out to your inner circle, you can launch a social media outreach campaign.
How to Get Clients through Social Media
Post images of your events or other beautiful events you like on Instagram.
Follow and connect with similar people on Instagram.
Join Twitter and use the “advanced search” function to find brides-to-be, corporate clients, venues, vendors, etc and begin following and interacting with them.
Join local community groups on Facebook and start adding value to the groups by posting your knowledge. They will quickly view you as an expert and reach out to you.
Post your knowledge on your Facebook page. You can also run contests to give away a free event.
Partner with local restaurants or venues to post content on their Facebook pages (great idea!).
Get a past client, family or friend to do a short Youtube video review of your work.Social media works but it takes a little time. You have to create a strategy (use the one I just wrote above) and execute on it every single day. Just do one small thing on social media once per day. We call this “planing your seed”, and in a few months the seeds you plant in the social media world will grow to be large, beautiful, healthy trees. When you begin marketing on social media make sure you choose the same Company name on every platform (same name on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube).
How to Get Clients on Review Sites
The next place to get clients is on review sites. Yelp, Thumbtack and Craigslist are some of the best places to get new clients but the key is to have 10 or more reviews.
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