Welcome to episode #59! of the Passive Affiliate Incomes Podcast. In this episode, I share with you the truth about the YouTuber iilluminaughtii, and how she is using ONLY the negative news about MLM to rob you of opportunity, all so she can selfishly grow her own YouTube channel and leave you empty-handed with no solution for your problems.
Blair tells you entrepreneurship is bad, while she makes money online.
MLM & network marketing are legitimate business models that can generate substantial income, and you can build your business online.
There is an anti-MLM agenda out there by uneducated people who don't like the shape of pyramids when their whole life and job, is a pyramid.
But the real Anti-MLM agenda comes from the food companies, the drug companies, and the mainstream media because they are in it to soak every last American for every dollar they have.
78% of the U.S. population is overweight, that's the goal, hook 'em on the fast food, get the entire population fat and overweight and then hook them on the prescription drugs for diabetes and eventually cancer drugs when these people are dead from all cancer filled processed foods.
The same people own the food, drug, and media companies, they are all on the same team to use the U.S. population like guinea pigs and cattle that they make as much money off of before these cattle die of cardiac arrest.
These rich and wealthy companies suppress talking about health and wellness in 1950, and they tell you what's healthy meat! and lots of it!
It's all a big conspiracy to sell more food and drugs.
But they also pay off the government to have government agencies like the FTC and FDA so they can try to stop and hinder good companies selling good products and services with quality ingredients that don't cause cancer.
The super-rich, want you getting cancer, that's why there is asbestos in johnson & johnson baby powder, they wanna use the cheapest worst ingredients for higher profits and give you cancer so they can sell expensive cancer drugs to you!
They also don't want you to have free electricity, or free air, free water, so they create a carbon tax, soon a breathing tax. The people who own the media and all these evil companies whose products your consuming, they don't want you wealthy, they want you as slaves.
So they go to great lengths and make stupid shows like Jamie Olivers show making fun of MLM, or Family Guy making fun of network marketing, they all say stupid trigger words, like "only the people at the top make money" "pyramid" "most people fail" "insert negative nonsense" and then give no context, all the negatives the 1% of people who quit and get angry because they did not do anything.
They never talk about the millions of people building a full-time income and long term passive residual incomes with network marketing. Beware of the anti-MLM agenda because it's BS!