Over the past few years, in our Virginia Beach community, I’ve been exploring the question, “What does faithful participation in the body of Christ look like? Where do we begin?” In response, we’ve formed some very simple collective practices: Scripture, Prayer, Fasting, Church, & Authority.
We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here. Quite the opposite. We’re trying to rediscover the wheel, as though somehow along the way, the wheels of our church fell off and got lost, and we’ve just been dragging our collective faith across the ground by means of occasional energetic spurts of explanation and experience. To rediscover the wheels of the church means to engage in shared religious practices that bind us together and bind us to God. Historically, these practices—these “wheels”—have carried a lot of weight for a very long distance, much more than we could ever do of our own accord. Without them, it’s actually impressive we still have a church.
Impressive, but not sustainable.
Our current do-it-yourself, just-me-and-God brand of faith appears to offer “freedom” from the constraints of a seemingly legalistic religiosity. In reality, it often requires Navy-seal-level willpower and PhD-level intellect in order for individual believers to thrive. And if only the strongest wills and intellects can thrive, that’s an indicator we’re doing it wrong.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Many believers toil for years trying in vain to lift one heavy stumbling stone from their path. Some succeed. Some never do. Yet the simplest communal habits, if practiced consistently together, can move mountains.
Would you consider joining us in committing to these five simple practices?
To see the original article on which this episode is based, clicker here: "Rediscovering the Wheel"
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