Do your patients stop coming after the pain stops?
Don't worry. It's common. Patients come to see you initially because they have some sort of pain. And when that pain goes away they stop coming because they believe the problem solved. Then you don't see them for a while.
I know This because I'm a terrible repeat offender (especially when it comes to the chiropractor) Sure, I'll go once or twice, then the pain goes away and then I'm good until I can't walk again. And then I go crawling back to see if they can fix me again. I don't do the maintenance that I should be doing.
There Is No Communication Or Follow Up After The Initial Treatment
So because there's no follow up after I leave the office the maintenance is not on the top of my mind. There's no real reminder if I want to stop having that kind of pain then I need to be doing certain things. This is where the discovery process really comes into play with your patients. You want to know what they really want.
Communication After The Visit Will Help You Discover What They Really Want
Remember that even though they want the pain to go away, that's just a surface level thing. They're dealing with the pain because that is what is happening right now. But what about when the pain goes away? You need to find out what your patients really want.
I've been told is the story of a guy buying a drill bit.
A guy that walks into a hardware store and he's looking for a drill bit. Now there must be a good reason for this right? No one just buys a drill bit to buy a drill bit. It's not like it's some sort of trophy. Does this person really want a drill bit? No, this person wants a drill bit to be able to drill a hole in the wall. But does he really want a hole in the wall? No, he's really drilling a hole in the wall so that he can hang a picture. And is he really just wanting to hang a picture? No, he is wanting to make his wife happy. He's wanting to have a happy marriage.
This drill bit means a happy marriage to this guy.
Only When You Discover What They Want Can You Really Begin To Help Them
If you want loyal patients, figure out what they want. Once you figure out what they want, you can create a marketing message and tailor that marketing message towards that desire. And then, when you know that desire, you can begin delivering your powerful message to them and build confidence and loyalty.
I'll help you figure out who your core patients are and what they want. I especially want to help you craft your message and do it in a way that will be persuasive to them. And then I'll help you discover and target your message to where your ideal patients are.
You can apply to work with me just by hitting the "Apply Now" button below. I'll take a look over your application and see if we're a good fit.